PP Blog Tag archives on references to "MRI."

BULLETIN: $1.5 Billion Ponzi Alleged In Nevada

BULLETIN: $1.5 Billion Ponzi Alleged In Nevada

BULLETIN: (5th Update 12:54 a.m. EDT July 9 U.S.A.) Three individuals have been indicted on multiple criminal charges in Nevada, with a grand jury alleging they were at the helm of a $1.5 billion Ponzi scheme targeted at Japanese victims. The criminal case follows a civil action filed by the SEC in 2013. Charged with […]

Affinity Fraud Cases In New York And California Fleece Investors Of $35 Million, SEC Says; Ordained Minister Charged In New York Scheme Targeting Elderly Parishioners

Eight people have been charged in unrelated affinity-fraud cases in New York and California that bilked investors out of $35 million, the SEC said. In the New York case, seven members of a Queens church were charged, including a minister. The scheme targeted “mostly elderly” members of the church, fleecing them of $12 million, the […]