URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: Zeek Receiver Moves For Summary Judgment Against Class-Action Clawback Defendants; Kenneth Bell Says Defense Expert Witness Has Found No Evidence That ‘Disproves That The Business As A Whole Operated As A Ponzi Scheme’

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: (3RD UPDATE 6:11 P.M. EDT U.S.A.) On virtually the eve of the criminal trial of Paul Burks, receiver Kenneth D. Bell has asked the court presiding over a huge class-action lawsuit against 9,400 alleged Zeek “winners” for a finding the MLM program was a Ponzi scheme. Such a finding would mandate […]
Nathaniel Woods Plants Seed That Zeek Receiver Issued ‘Bogus Subpoena’ And Committed Felony; Claims Reminiscent Of Assertions Made In AdSurfDaily Ponzi Case

UPDATED 5 P.M. ET (U.S.A.) Various members of the Florida-based AdSurfDaily 1-percent-a-day Ponzi scheme advanced various theories that judges, prosecutors and investigators committed various felonies during the course of the probe and follow-up actions in court. The claims were absurd on their face and, when the arguments were rejected, they were replaced by conspiracy theories. […]