SEC: Binary Options Case Triggers Investor Alert

Is there a double whammy in your MLM future — first being ripped off in a binary-options “program,” only to be ripped off a second time by scammers posing as government agencies and offering purported refunds for a fee? Naturally some MLMers have added binary options to their offerings, with some incredible solicitations and tales being told […]
OUR ANSWER: ‘Nuts!’ PP Blog Receives Threat That ‘Authorities’ Will Move Against It If It Doesn’t Remove Content About Profitable Sunrise Figure Nanci Jo Frazer And Others; Email Claims FBI ‘Fully Aware Of All Your Consistent Attempts’ To Harm Frazer Group

“No!” Make that “Hell no!” — or, as Gen. Anthony McAuliffe once famously scribbled at the prompting of Gen. Harry W.O. Kinnard during the Battle of the Bulge, after soldiers for the Nazi Third Reich demanded surrender: “Nuts!” At 12:11 a.m. ET today, the PP Blog inexplicably received five duplicate emails from an IP in […]
BCSC: Scammers Ripped Off Canadians In Forex Scam In Which Money Was Wired To Costa Rica; At Least 1 Investor Duped Into Making Payment Of $13,000 Purportedly For U.S. Taxes In Ill-Fated Bid To Recover Lost Principal

EDITOR’S NOTE: The PP Blog reported yesterday about a massive alleged penny-stock scam married to an advance-free fraud scheme in which investors were duped into believing they were interacting with IRS employees trying to collect taxes and a law firm interested in recovering funds from the stock swindle. Federal prosecutors in Brooklyn said the scammers […]
DEVELOPING STORY: CFTC Seeks Asset Freeze Amid Allegations Of Fraud Against Russell R. Wasendorf Sr. Of Peregrine Financial Group Inc.; Wasendorf Reportedly Attempted To Kill Himself Yesterday; Trevor Cook Ponzi Victims At Risk Of Getting Fleeced Twice

EDITOR’S NOTE: The PP Blog first became aware of reports about the suicide bid of Russell R. Wasendorf Sr. last night, after being contacted by a reader who was defrauded in the Trevor Cook Ponzi scheme. Wasendorf apparently sought to take his own life on the sparkling Cedar Falls, Iowa, property of Peregrine Financial Group […]
Illinois Forex Ponzi Schemers Get Combined Prison Sentences Of Nearly 30 Years; Feds Identify More Than 1,000 Victims Of $17 Million Swindle In Which $1 Million Went To ‘Strip Club And Restaurants’

Charles G. Martin has been sentenced to 17 years in federal prison — and fellow Forex Ponzi schemer John E. Walsh has been sentenced to more than 12 years — in a case in which investors’ money went to pay for strippers, fine meals, fine hotels, a piano, high-end electronics, artwork, jewelry, flashy cars and […]
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: CFTC Files Actions In Utah, Wyoming, New York And Illinois Against Domestic AND Offshore Firms In Second Phase Of Forex Sweep; 11 Companies Accused Of Illegally Soliciting U.S. Customers

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: UPDATED 8:14 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) The Commodity Futures Trading Commission has gone to federal courts in four different states and simultaneously filed actions against 11 separate companies in the second phase of an enforcement sweep. The firms, some of which conduct business offshore but allegedly use webhosting companies or other […]
BULLETIN: Vincent McCrudden Pleads Guilty To Threatening Regulators, Government Officials

BULLETIN: Vincent McCrudden, who was arrested in January amid allegations he threatened to kill 47 regulators and government officials, has pleaded guilty to two counts of transmitting threats to kill. McCrudden, 50, faces up to 10 years in prison. He has been jailed since his arrest in New Jersey. “Mr. McCrudden made bone-chilling and graphic […]
BREAKING NEWS: FLORIDA — AGAIN: CFTC Says Sammy J. Goldman, Harry Robert Tanner Jr. And Their Firm Ran $23 Million ‘Precious Metals’ Scam; Case Is Third Such Action In 7 Weeks

BULLETIN: In the third such action in the United States since March 30, the CFTC has gone to federal court in Florida to block what it described as a “precious metals” scam that incorporated fictitious trading. Charged with fraud in the case were Sammy J. Goldman of Delray Beach, Fla., and Harry Robert Tanner Jr. […]
BULLETIN: Feds, CFTC File Stunning Allegations Of Multimillion-Dollar Fraud Against Purported Forex Trader Who Filed Bizarre Documents In NFA Disciplinary Case; Lyndon Lydell Parrilla Arrested In California

A California man who allegedly once defended himself in a disciplinary case by advising the National Futures Association that he was “a living breathing free Man upon the free soil” and an “American citizen of the American Republic” has been arrested by federal agents on charges of defrauding investors of $5 million in a Forex […]
BULLETIN: Bench Warrant Issued For Ponzi Schemer Who Ran Commodities Caper, Ripped Off Condo Association To Keep Scheme Afloat And Appeared On CNBC As Trading Analyst, CFTC Says

BULLETIN: A federal judge has frozen the assets of a trader and television analyst charged criminally by a New York County grand jury with multiple felonies in an alleged commodity-pool Ponzi scheme and charged civilly by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission in the same caper. Brian Kim, 35, is a “fugitive,” declared Manhattan District […]
Federal Judge Grants Asset Freeze In Bizarre Fraud Case That Allegedly Mixed A Forex Ponzi Scheme With A Cash-Gifing And Tax Scheme; Arizona Resident Anthony Eugene Linton Promised Software System Let Customers ‘Profit Every Time’, CFTC Charges

The assets of an Arizona man who allegedly mixed a Forex Ponzi scheme with a cash-gifting scheme and claimed his software system let clients “profit every time” from trades have been frozen by a federal judge after the CFTC filed an emergency court action. Anthony Eugene Linton of Tucson told investors that entrusting their money […]