NATO Enterprises LLC

PP Blog Tag archives on references to "NATO Enterprises LLC."

Now, A ‘Concert’ Ponzi Scheme: FBI Says Miko Dion Wady Of Arizona Claimed Bogus Tie To The Rolling Stones, Barbra Streisand, Mary J. Blige To Lure Investors

Now, A 'Concert' Ponzi Scheme: FBI Says Miko Dion Wady Of Arizona Claimed Bogus Tie To The Rolling Stones, Barbra Streisand, Mary J. Blige To Lure Investors

If this were Forrest Gump and the subject were Ponzi schemes instead of shrimp, Benjamin Buford “Bubba” Blue might say something along these lines: There are ‘advertising’ Ponzi schemes, ‘printing’ Ponzi schemes, CD Ponzi schemes, ‘billboard’ Ponzi schemes, Ponzi schemes claiming that ‘uniforms’ are being purchased for prisons and police agencies, ‘Big-Box Retailer’ Ponzi schemes, […]