Offer Hubb

PP Blog Tag archives on references to "Offer Hubb."

BULLETIN: Zeek Receiver Opposes Appointment Of ‘Examiner’; Zeek Cheerleaders, ZTeamBiz Missives Get A Mention; Let Them ‘Employ Counsel At Their Own Expense,’ Bell Urges Judge

BULLETIN: Zeek Receiver Opposes Appointment Of 'Examiner'; Zeek Cheerleaders, ZTeamBiz Missives Get A Mention; Let Them 'Employ Counsel At Their Own Expense,' Bell Urges Judge

“The ZeekRewards scheme has claimed hundreds of thousands of victims who lost hundreds of millions of dollars at the hands of the scheme’s winners who solicited their participation. Now, apparently not appreciating the irony, the lawyer for hundreds of the largest net winners asks the Court to pay him to be an ‘examiner’ or ‘representative […]

Potential Zeek Clawback Target Pitched Collapsed Regenesis 2X2 Cycler: ‘Giddy Up. Get Involved. [It’ll] Be The Best Decision You Ever Made’

Potential Zeek Clawback Target Pitched Collapsed Regenesis 2X2 Cycler: 'Giddy Up. Get Involved. [It'll] Be The Best Decision You Ever Made'

UPDATED 7:55 A.M. ET (DEC. 23, U.S.A.) In May 2009, before the launch of the alleged Zeek Rewards Ponzi scheme, a Zeek promoter who has hired famed attorney Ira Lee Sorkin appeared in a check-waving video for an “opportunity” known as Regenesis 2X2. Check-waving is used as a form of “proof” that an “opportunity” that […]