BULLETIN: In Bizarre Blog Post, Zeek Claims ‘All’ Of Its Critics Are Behaving ‘Unprofessionally By Acting On False Information’; MLM Firm Blasts ‘ North Carolina Credit Unions’ For Circulating Memo ‘Unfavorable To Zeek Rewards And False’

BULLETIN: The Zeek Rewards MLM “program” that is married to a penny-auction site known as Zeekler and plants the seed that an annualized return in the hundreds of percent is possible has declared that “all” Zeek criticism has been “unprofessional” and based on “false information.” Some Zeek affiliates have said that Zeek provides a payout […]
UPDATES: (1) HYIP Huckster ‘Dave’ Launches New Scams, Says He’s Gearing Up For ‘Auction’ Business; (2) BidsThatGive ‘Auction’ Site Says It Will Launch Tomorrow; (3) Zeek ‘Auction’ Business Names New Officers — And Affiliates Make ‘I Got Paid’ Posts As Purported Earnings Calculator Appears On Ponzi Forum

EDITOR’S NOTE: In Ponzi Land, HYIPs that suggested returns of 1 percent (or more) per day “worked” to line up lambs for the slaughter. So did autosurfs that planted the 1 percent a day (or more) seed. Now, 1 percent a day (or more) “auction” sites are “working.” Will they mushroom globally like HYIPs and […]
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: FTC Goes To Federal Court To Block Alleged $467 Million Scam Operating Globally Online; International Cooperation Cited In Exposing Colossal Fraud Caper, Officials Say

BULLETIN: UPDATED 3:50 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) The FTC has gone to federal court to halt what it described as a $467 million, online fraud scheme operating across international borders. The scheme was exposed through international cooperation among the FTC, the Canada Competition Bureau, Service Alberta, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Alberta Partnership Against Cross […]