Phil Piccolo

PP Blog Tag archives on references to "Phil Piccolo."

Jeunesse MLM Rep Pulls A Piccolo

Jeunesse MLM Rep Pulls A Piccolo

Truth In Advertising ( reported yesterday that a website styled JeunesseReserve at a WordPress site had positioned the MLM juice offering Jeunesse Reserve as a product that will reverse the course of gangrene in patients with diabetes who are facing amputations. According to the product claim, a woman with diabetes had developed gangrene of the finger and no longer could […]

BULLETIN: Judge In Zeek Clawback Cases Grants Receiver’s Motion To Certify Class Of 9,400 Alleged Winners; Todd Disner Faces Default; Phil Piccolo May Be Background Player

BULLETIN: Judge In Zeek Clawback Cases Grants Receiver's Motion To Certify Class Of 9,400 Alleged Winners; Todd Disner Faces Default; Phil Piccolo May Be Background Player

BULLETIN: (Updated 11:11 p.m. ET U.S.A.) Senior U.S. District Judge Graham C. Mullen has certified a class of more than 9,000 alleged “winners” of more than $1,000 in the Zeek Rewards scheme. Receiver Kenneth D. Bell sued more than 10 named “winners” in February 2014 in a case styled “Kenneth D. Bell v. Todd Disner, […]

T. LeMont Silver In Furious Name-Dropping Spree For BitClub Network; Veteran MLM Huckster Still Trails WCM777 Scam In Unofficial Record Book

T. LeMont Silver In Furious Name-Dropping Spree For BitClub Network; Veteran MLM Huckster Still Trails WCM777 Scam In Unofficial Record Book

3RD UPDATE 11:45 A.M. EDT U.S.A. Zeek Rewards clawback defendant T. LeMont Silver promised “training” to recruits of the emerging BitClub Network “program” — and the veteran HYIP huckster delivered by training his listeners to drop names. Lots and lots of names. Regardless, Silver might have to dial up his efforts if he hopes to […]

MLM WATCHDOG: Phil Piccolo Is Scamming Again

MLM WATCHDOG: Phil Piccolo Is Scamming Again

(2ND UPDATE 3:26 P.M. EDT U.S.A.) Rod Cook, who publishes the “MLM Watchdog” and was threatened with a $40 million lawsuit by the AdSurfDaily Ponzi racketeers in 2008, is reporting that veteran swindler Phil Piccolo is back on the prowl. This time, Cook reports, it’s with a cobra-venom product sold at The product is […]

SPECIAL REPORT: Like AdSurfDaily And OneX Before It, Alleged TelexFree Pyramid Scheme May Be Engaging In Game Of Payment-Processor Roulette

SPECIAL REPORT: Like AdSurfDaily And OneX Before It, Alleged TelexFree Pyramid Scheme May Be Engaging In Game Of Payment-Processor Roulette

“While reviewing the ASD website in the District of Columbia, [an undercover agent] found a posting within ASD’s News section, apparently posted by ASD on July 2, 2008. The title of the posting was, “Alert Pay & Direct Deposit are being phased out July 31, 2008.” According to ASD’s posting, “We have notified BOA not […]

Zeekers Targeted In New Scheme With Ties To Piccolo Organization

Zeekers Targeted In New Scheme With Ties To Piccolo Organization

BULLETIN: Zeek Rewards members are being targeted in a new scheme with ties to the Phil Piccolo organization and are being solicited for sums ranging from $600 to $60,000 “in return for ” . . .  “guaranteed 50 percent interest” from a purported “unique and legal loan system” over an unspecified time period, the PP […]

Rumors Swirl About Banners Broker ‘Program’

Rumors Swirl About Banners Broker 'Program'

UPDATED 8:54 P.M. ET (U.S.A.) Rumors abound online that authorities in India have carried out some sort of action against the Banners Broker “advertising” program. As of the time of this post, the PP Blog has been unable to confirm the rumored action with a law-enforcement source. “Advertising” scams long have been associated with the […]

BehindMLM Reader Claims ‘Excited’ Attendees Were Fainting At Florida Gathering Of World Consumer Alliance; ‘Program’ That Published Laundry List Of HYIP Ads Apparently Conducting 9-Month ‘Prelaunch’

BehindMLM Reader Claims 'Excited' Attendees Were Fainting At Florida Gathering Of World Consumer Alliance; 'Program' That Published Laundry List Of HYIP Ads Apparently Conducting 9-Month 'Prelaunch'

EDITOR’S NOTE: Longtime huckster Phil Piccolo learned long ago that God and starving children “work” in MLM. We can’t help but wonder how many shills would flop over backward at his events if he ever finds out that fainting also “works.” ** _______________________________ ** A reader tells BehindMLM that attendees of a “World Consumer Alliance” […]

EDITORIAL: Karl Wallenda Wouldn’t Do Zeek

EDITORIAL: Karl Wallenda Wouldn't Do Zeek

In this editorial: Our assertion: Were he alive today and desperately needed cash, famed daredevil Karl Wallenda would find Zeek’s tightropes too dangerous to walk. Purported MLM “expert” sent to woodshed: Zeek “consultant” and former SEC defendant Keith Laggos reportedly gets the Zeek boot after using phrases associated with the investment trade and after suggesting […]

ZEEK SLAYER? Now, A Penny-Auction Site Married To MLM-Like Scheme Purportedly Tied To Effort To Save Children From Hunger Or Becoming ‘Sex Slave[s]’; Build Up To ‘Founding Member’ Sales Pitch Drops Names Of White House, Chelsea Clinton, Historian And Presidential Adviser Doug Wead, Unidentified Presidential Candidate And NBC News Anchor Lester Holt

ZEEK SLAYER? Now, A Penny-Auction Site Married To MLM-Like Scheme Purportedly Tied To Effort To Save Children From Hunger Or Becoming 'Sex Slave[s]'; Build Up To 'Founding Member' Sales Pitch Drops Names Of White House, Chelsea Clinton, Historian And Presidential Adviser Doug Wead, Unidentified Presidential Candidate And NBC News Anchor Lester Holt

EDITOR’S NOTE: It is true that far too many of the world’s children live in poverty. It also is true that children may become the objects of criminals who engage in human trafficking and that children are exploited in the sex trades. It is equally true that legitimate charities exist to combat these horrific situations […]

FRIDAY HYIP ODDITIES: (1) Spammer Swipes PP Blog Graphic, Uses It In Bid To Promote LibertyReserve; (2) Other Spammers Target JSS Tripler/JustBeenPaid Threads; (3) ‘MoneyMakingBrain’ Calls Blog ‘BIG Idiot’ And ‘Deceptive Unethical Lowlife’

FRIDAY HYIP ODDITIES: (1) Spammer Swipes PP Blog Graphic, Uses It In Bid To Promote LibertyReserve; (2) Other Spammers Target JSS Tripler/JustBeenPaid Threads; (3) 'MoneyMakingBrain' Calls Blog 'BIG Idiot' And 'Deceptive Unethical Lowlife'

Here is an imponderable: Is there any ceiling to the absurdities in the HYIP sphere and the destructive force it exercises around the web? On Wednesday, the PP Blog received repeated spams from U.S.-based IPs. The spammer used the handle “invest liberty reserve” and targeted two threads, including this one about JSS Tripler 2, a […]