
PP Blog Tag archives on references to "Pitt."

BREAKING NEWS: IPERS Terminates Westridge Capital Management Contract; Says $339 Million May Be At Risk

BREAKING NEWS: IPERS Terminates Westridge Capital Management Contract; Says $339 Million May Be At Risk

UPDATE 5:41 P.M. EST (U.S.A.) The Iowa Public Employees’ Retirement System (IPERS) has terminated its investment-management contract with Westridge Capital Management (WCM) of Santa Barbara, Calif. IPERS’ move comes on the heels of a lawsuit filed Friday by two Pennsylvania universities that sued WCM amid concerns that they potentially had lost $114 million in an […]

Read The National Futures Association Report On Paul Greenwood And Stephen Walsh; Association Asserts Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars Unaccounted For Amid Suspensions

We’ve previously pointed out that, in recent times, some of the actions filed against financiers and fund managers — and the findings of investigators — have read like works of fiction. On Friday, for example, Irving Picard, the trustee in the Bernard Madoff case, asserted that Madoff appears not to have purchased securities for customers […]

BREAKING NEWS: Another Major Probe Imminent Amid Extraordinary Assertion That Fund Managers Took Hundreds Of Millions Of Higher-Education Client Dollars And Left IOUs

BREAKING NEWS: Another Major Probe Imminent Amid Extraordinary Assertion That Fund Managers Took Hundreds Of Millions Of Higher-Education Client Dollars And Left IOUs

UPDATE 10:55 P.M. EST (Feb. 22, U.S.A.) We’ve added to the bottom of this post some information about Westridge Capital’s website, which appears to consist of a single page and is amateur by any modern standard. We’ve also associated a second domain to the company.  It, too, appears to consist of a single page — […]