Ponzi receiver

PP Blog Tag archives on references to "Ponzi receiver."

BULLETIN: R.J. Zayed, Court-Appointed Receiver In Trevor Cook Ponzi, Recovers More Than $1.1 Million In Switzerland

BULLETIN: R.J. Zayed, Court-Appointed Receiver In Trevor Cook Ponzi, Recovers More Than $1.1 Million In Switzerland

BULLETIN: The court-appointed receiver in the Trevor Cook Ponzi scheme has recovered more than $1.1 million that had been tied up in Switzerland. Receiver R.J. Zayed says that $1,127,495 has been deposited in a U.S. Court account. “[T]he Receiver has now accomplished the goal of repatriating the Swiss funds so that money can be returned […]

DISCUSSION THREAD: CEP Judgments, Ponzis And The Deaf, Noobing, Andy Bowdoin, Surf’s Up, BizAdSplash Surf, More

DISCUSSION THREAD: CEP Judgments, Ponzis And The Deaf, Noobing, Andy Bowdoin, Surf's Up, BizAdSplash Surf, More

UPDATE 2:49 P.M. EST (U.S.A.) At a gathering of creditors today, Irving Picard, the trustee overseeing the liquidation of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities, said he could find no evidence that Madoff even purchased securities for customers in the past 13 years. Cash came in — and immediately went out — to sustain the Ponzi, […]