CAPTURED: FBI Nabs Perry And Rachelle Griggs In Arizona; Fugitive Ponzi Couple Will Be Transported To Hawaii To Face Charges They Bilked Investors While Perry Griggs Was In Prison

The FBI has captured Perry and Rachelle Griggs, the fugitive Ponzi couple accused of running a scam while Perry Griggs was a federal prisoner in Nevada. The arrest was made in Kingman, Ariz., yesterday. Perry and Rachelle Griggs were indicted in October for wire fraud and mail fraud. They had been missing since January 2010. […]
Fugitives Charged In Michigan Ponzi Scheme Captured By U.S. Marshals, Police In Tennessee; Rita Gosselin And Husband Had Been On The Lam Since April

In December 2009, Rita Gosselin was indicted for racketeering in Michigan. Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox said she was at the helm of a real-estate Ponzi scheme involving promissory notes. In April 2010, Gosselin, 58, was alleged to have cut a monitoring device and fled the the state with her husband, Richard Gosselin, 62. The […]
BULLETIN: FBI Seeks Arrest Of Perry and Rachelle Griggs; Agency Alleges Husband-And-Wife Team Ran Ponzi Scheme While Husband Was Federal Prisoner In Nevada; Manhunt Under Way

BULLETIN: UPDATED WITH INFORMATION FROM THE CFTC AT 7:03 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) Perry and Rachelle Griggs are on the lam after running a Ponzi scheme while Perry Griggs was a federal prisoner in Nevada, the FBI said. The alleged commodities scheme consumed about $3 million and was targeted principally at inmates and family members of […]