URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: SEC Charges eAdGear, Alleging $129 Million Pyramid- And Ponzi Scheme

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: (12th Update 1:28 p.m. EDT U.S.A.) The SEC has gone to federal court in San Francisco, alleging that the eAdGear “program” was a pyramid- and Ponzi scheme that gathered $129 million. The action against eAdGear is the second major pyramid-scheme prosecution announced by the SEC this week. The SEC has […]
No Immediate Comment From Zeek Receiver On Third-Party Lawsuit That References Zeek Pitchman T. LeMont Silver And 100 ‘Does’; MLMers Sue Each Other — And Receiver’s Law Firm Represents Plaintiffs In One Of The Cases

UPDATED 8:48 A.M. EDT (MARCH 24, U.S.A.) Oz at BehindMLM broke the news that eAdGear Inc. and GoFunPlaces Inc. have sued Randal Williams and JubiMax LLC (and others) — and that Williams earlier had sued eAdGear and GoFunPlaces (and others). You’ll see a reference to Randal Williams in this August 2011 PP Blog story about […]
Ponzi Forum Pitchfest Begins For ‘Fast Profits Daily; ‘Any Attempts To Acquire A Refund Or Chargeback Constitute Theft And Fraud, And Are Grounds For Legal Prosecution,’ Matrix Cycler Says

UPDATED 2:49 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) A pitchfest for an apparent cycler matrix called “Fast Profits Daily” has begun on the TalkGold Ponzi forum. Fast Profits Daily shares a street address in Delaware with another apparent matrix program known as “2X2 Prosperity Formula” and a purported vacation program known as “DREAM STYLE VACATIONS, LLC,” according to […]