EDITORIAL: Another Dark Day For ‘Asteria Foundation’ And Related Entities As American Red Cross Issues Statement Suggesting It Was Duped: ‘We Have No Record Of Receiving A Donation From This Organization And Have Not Partnered With Them’ On Japan Earthquake Relief ‘Or Any Other Projects’

UPDATED 9:36 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) The American Red Cross is a national treasure whose powerful and noble name never should be diluted or trifled with. But it is now apparent that various Club Asteria-related entities have done exactly that by not revealing certain critical information to the Red Cross while at once shamelessly seeking to […]
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: American Red Cross Sends ‘Cease-And-Desist’ Letter To Asteria Foundation

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: The American Red Cross, which opened a probe last week into the potential misuse of its name and logo by the Asteria Philanthropic Foundation, has sent the foundation a letter to cease and desist. Anne Marie Borrego, a spokeswoman for the Red Cross in Washington, D.C., said this morning that […]
BULLETIN: General Counsel’s Office Of American Red Cross Investigating Potential Case Of Brand Leeching By Club Asteria After Red Cross Logo Appears On Purported ‘Philanthropic’ Site And Inside Club Asteria’s October House Organ

BULLETIN: The Office of the General Counsel of the American Red Cross in Washington, D.C., has opened a probe into the potential misuse of the Red Cross logo and name by Club Asteria and an entity known as the Asteria Philanthropic Foundation or the Asteria Foundation. Depending on how the investigation evolves in the coming […]
Noobing Removes References To Rachel Ray, Red Cross From Surf Website; Members Blast Firm In Forums

UPDATE 9:08 A.M. EST (FEB. 19 U.S.A.) After having gone missing yesterday, entries below “Noobing Rotator’s Top Rated Sites” on Noobing’s main page have returned. But previous entries for Rachel Ray, the Red Cross, Omaha Steaks and OrganicConsumers no longer are there. Here, below, our earlier post . . . Controversial surf site Noobing has […]