BULLETIN: SEC Sanctions Troy Dooly For Zeek-Related Work; MLMHelpDesk Blogger Ordered To Pay More Than $6,000 In Disgorgement, Penalties And Interest

BULLETIN: (UPDATED 9:04 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) The SEC has sanctioned MLMHelpDesk Blogger Adam “Troy” Dooly, amid allegations he accepted money from the Zeek Rewards MLM “program” operated by Rex Venture Group LLC without disclosing to Blog readers and radio listeners that Rex “was paying him” to publicize the Zeek venture. Section 17(b) of the Securities […]
Receiver Estimates That $290 Million In Fraudulent Transfers Occurred At Zeek; Clawback Litigation May Begin In Third Quarter; U.S. Domestic And ‘Foreign Winners’ Will Be Pursued; Victims Already Have Filed Claims Seeking $287 Million — With More Expected To Follow Before Sept. 5 Deadline

The court-appointed receiver in the Zeek Rewards Ponzi-scheme case is reporting “significant progress” in securing assets for return to victims and says the estate has gathered approximately $325.1 million since the receivership began in August 2012. As of 5 p.m. on July 29, Zeek victims had filed claims seeking about $287 million. The claims portal […]
Judge Approves Settlements With Zeek Receiver, Says Agreements Are In ‘Best Interests Of The Zeek Victims’

“The Court has reviewed Receiver’s brief and proposed settlement and finds that the proposed settlement is fair and equitable and is in the best interests of the Zeek victims.” — Senior U.S. District Judge Graham C. Mullen, July 26, 2013 UPDATED 9:43 P.M. EDT U.S.A. If you’re from the camp that claims Zeek Rewards victimized […]
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: Federal Judge Denies Alleged Zeek Winners’ Motion To Intervene In Case And Dissolve Receivership

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: (3RD UPDATE 8:44 P.M. EDT U.S.A.) Senior U.S. District Judge Graham C. Mullen has denied a motion by alleged winners in Zeek Rewards to intervene in the SEC’s Ponzi-scheme case and to dissolve the receivership. In December 2012, alleged Zeek “winners” Trudy Gilmond and Kellie King asked Mullen for permission […]
Zeek Rewards Claims Portal Is Open

The claims portal for Zeek Rewards has opened on schedule. It is accessible through a “File a Claim” button on the website of the court-appointed receiver and also has a separate URL. Claims must be filed by 11:59 p.m. (prevailing Eastern time) on Sept. 5, 2013. A claims FAQ is accessible here. Senior U.S. District […]
RECEIVER: AlertPay And SolidTrustPay May Hold Additional Zeek Assets; Forensic Team Is Working ‘To Investigate And Seize These Funds’

EDITOR’S NOTE: One way to read a report filed yesterday by the court-appointed receiver in the Zeek Rewards Ponzi-scheme case is as a warning manual that brings to life the kind of vexing problems HYIP schemes create for operators, vendors and participants — including “insiders.” Kenneth D. Bell’s report to Senior U.S. District Judge Graham […]
CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 Expected To Air Segment On Zeek Rewards Tonight; [UPDATE: Report Apparently Delayed]
![CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 Expected To Air Segment On Zeek Rewards Tonight; [UPDATE: Report Apparently Delayed]](https://patrickpretty.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/acteaser040313-150x99.jpg)
UPDATE 8:07 A.M. EDT (APRIL 4, U.S.A.) The report did not air during the 8 p.m. or 11 p.m. broadcasts, possibly because developments in other stories took precedence. Our April 3 story is below . . . The Blog of CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 is carrying this teaser today: “360 Wednesday[:] One of the biggest […]
ZEEK RECEIVER TO NET WINNERS: ‘The Time For Court Action Is Drawing Closer’

UPDATED 1:20 P.M. EDT (APRIL 4, U.S.A.) The court-appointed receiver in the Zeek Rewards Ponzi scheme case has warned net winners that “the time for court action is drawing closer” and that “there is an opportunity for settlement.” Receiver Kenneth D. Bell published a letter to winners today on the website of the receivership. A […]
AP (VIA YAHOO NEWS): Zeek’s Paul Burks Says Participants At Fault For Losing Money In Alleged $600 Million Ponzi Scheme

The Associated Press is reporting that Zeek Rewards operator Paul R. Burks claims that he is not at fault and that Zeek participants are to blame if they lost money. From the AP (via Yahoo News/italics added): “I never told anyone to invest more money than they could afford,” Burks snapped. “I didn’t tell them […]
BULLETIN: Receiver Says $12 Million In Zeek Money Located ‘In An Eastern European Country’ — But Has Not Been Returned

BULLETIN: (2ND UPDATE 8:47 P.M. ET U.S.A.) The court-appointed receiver in the Zeek Rewards Ponzi-scheme case says he has located $12 million in receivership assets held in an unspecified “eastern European country” — but the funds have not been returned. “This account is owned and was used by a payment processor outside the United States […]