URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: TelexFree Trustee Sues MLM Attorney Gerald Nehra

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: (6th Update 8 p.m. EDT U.S.A.) TelexFree Trustee Stephen B. Darr has sued MLM attorney Gerald Nehra and the Nehra and Waak law firm, alleging they were “actively involved” in promoting TelexFree’s Ponzi scheme and “duping” participants. Nehra and the firm have asked for more time to respond to the April 1 complaint, […]
DEVELOPING STORY: Proposed Settlement Agreement With Zeek Receiver May Wipe Out MLM Attorneys And Law Firm

DEVELOPING STORY: (5th Update 8:18 p.m. ET U.S.A.) MLM attorneys Gerald Nehra and Richard Waak will sign a confession of judgment for a whopping $100 million and acknowledge that Zeek parent Rex Venture Group “in fact operated an unlawful Ponzi and pyramid scheme” under the terms of a settlement agreement with Zeek Rewards’ receiver Kenneth D. Bell, according to new […]
ZEEK: Settlements Possible With MLM Attorneys, Nehra And Waak Law Firm

A North Carolina lawyer for a Michigan MLM law firm and MLM attorneys Gerald Nehra and Richard Waak advised a federal judge yesterday that a settlement was possible among her clients and the court-appointed receiver in the Zeek Rewards’ Ponzi- and pyramid-scheme case. Receiver Kenneth D. Bell sued the lawyers and the firm in September, alleging […]
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: Zeek Receiver Sues MLM Attorney Kevin Grimes For Sum In Excess Of $100 Million

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: (11th Update 9:43 p.m. EDT U.S.A.) The court-appointed receiver in the Zeek Rewards Ponzi- and pyramid case has sued MLM attorney Kevin Grimes and the Grimes & Reese law firm, alleging malpractice, negligence and breach of fiduciary duty. In the Grimes action, the receiver is seeking “an amount in excess […]
MLM Attorney Gerald Nehra Now Lawyered Up In TelexFree Bankruptcy Case

MLM attorney Gerald Nehra, his law partner Richard Waak and their law firm are now lawyered up in the TelexFree bankruptcy case. Groups of TelexFree members have sued them in bankruptcy court, alleging violations of the federal racketeering (RICO) statute and violations of federal securities laws. TelexFree filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on a […]