BULLETIN: SEC Accuses Faith Sloan Of Violating Asset Freeze In TelexFree Case By Sending Thousands To ‘Changes Worldwide LLC,’ Company That Lists Zeek Figure Robert Craddock As Copyright Enforcer
BULLETIN: (4th Update 10:01 a.m. EDT June 13 U.S.A.) The SEC has accused Faith Sloan of violating the asset freeze imposed against her in the TelexFree pyramid- and Ponzi case by sending nearly $15,000 to Changes Worldwide LLC for the purchase of “business promo packs.” On its website, Changes Worldwide identifies Robert Craddock as its […]
Banners Broker Cultists Rip Play From Zeek, AdSurfDaily, AdViewGlobal HYIP Scambook
Whoever is pulling the linguistic strings at the Banners Broker HYIP cult operating globally online now is channeling Zeek Rewards, AdSurfDaily and AdViewGlobal in their final days. Zeek, an $850 million Ponzi- and pyramid fraud that once suggested participants should change their toilet-paper dispensing habits if instructed to do so, threatened to ban members who […]
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: SEC Charges 3 Executives, 8 Promoters Of Alleged ‘Worldwide’ Pyramid Scheme Operating From Hong Kong, Canada And British Virgin Islands; ‘CKB’ And ‘CKB168’ Fraudsters Allegedly Targeted Asian-American Community, Agency Says
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: 3RD UPDATE 5:46 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) The SEC says it has gained an asset freeze and charged three executives and eight promoters of a worldwide pyramid scheme operating through five entities from Hong Kong, Canada and the British Virgin Islands. Promoters of the scheme, which “purportedly” sells Internet-based children’s educational […]
No Immediate Comment From Zeek Receiver On Third-Party Lawsuit That References Zeek Pitchman T. LeMont Silver And 100 ‘Does’; MLMers Sue Each Other — And Receiver’s Law Firm Represents Plaintiffs In One Of The Cases
UPDATED 8:48 A.M. EDT (MARCH 24, U.S.A.) Oz at BehindMLM broke the news that eAdGear Inc. and GoFunPlaces Inc. have sued Randal Williams and JubiMax LLC (and others) — and that Williams earlier had sued eAdGear and GoFunPlaces (and others). You’ll see a reference to Randal Williams in this August 2011 PP Blog story about […]
UPDATE: Craddock To Zeek Troops: Receiver Is Still Evil — And BOLO For Commies And Nazis
UPDATED 7:03 P.M. ET (U.S.A.) Zeek Rewards figure Robert Craddock told his conference-call audience last night that the court-appointed receiver in the Zeek case was still evil. For good measure, Craddock pointed listeners to a video that planted the seed there is a Communist or budding Hitler behind every tree. (These evildoers, if our take […]
LETTER TO READERS: Our Choice For The Most Important PP Blog Post Of 2012
Dear Readers, The PP Blog’s choice for the “Most Important” story to appear on the Blog in 2012 is this one, dated July 28: “Site Critical Of Zeek Goes Missing After HubPages Receives Trademark ‘Infringement’ Complaint Attributed To Rex Venture Group LLC — But North Carolina-Based Rex Not Listed As Trademark Owner; Florida Firm That […]
Florida Man Who Hosts Zeek Calls Featuring Robert Craddock Was Winner In Botfly LLC Ponzi Scheme
UPDATED 3:57 P.M. ET (U.S.A.) Gregory Baker, a Florida man who hosts calls featuring Robert Craddock in the aftermath of the SEC’s Ponzi-scheme case against Zeek Rewards, is listed as a winner in the Botfly LLC Ponzi scheme case, one of the Sunshine State’s ugliest fraud schemes. Prosecutors said that David Lewalski, Botfly’s now-imprisoned operator, […]
BULLETIN: Zeek Receiver Says ‘Large Sums . . . May Have Been Transferred By Net Winners To Other Entities In Order To Hide Or Shelter Those Assets’
BULLETIN: (UPDATED 2:34 P.M. ET U.S.A.) The court-appointed receiver in the Zeek Rewards Ponzi scheme case has advised a federal judge that he “has obtained information indicating that large sums of Receivership Assets may have been transferred by net winners to other entities in order to hide or shelter those assets.” The dramatic assertion by […]
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: SEC Files Motion In Zeek Case To Oppose Appointment Of Examiner; In Blistering Memo, Agency Accuses Robert Craddock Of Encouraging Affiliates ‘Not To Cooperate With The Receiver’
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: (UPDATED 11:58 A.M. ET (U.S.A.) The SEC has gone to federal court in the Western District of North Carolina to oppose a motion by Zeek “winners” to appoint an “examiner” over all Zeek affiliates. In a blistering, 12-page memo, the agency accused Zeek figure Robert Craddock of encouraging Zeek affiliates […]
BULLETIN: Zeek Receiver Opposes Appointment Of ‘Examiner’; Zeek Cheerleaders, ZTeamBiz Missives Get A Mention; Let Them ‘Employ Counsel At Their Own Expense,’ Bell Urges Judge
“The ZeekRewards scheme has claimed hundreds of thousands of victims who lost hundreds of millions of dollars at the hands of the scheme’s winners who solicited their participation. Now, apparently not appreciating the irony, the lawyer for hundreds of the largest net winners asks the Court to pay him to be an ‘examiner’ or ‘representative […]
Potential Zeek Clawback Target Pitched Collapsed Regenesis 2X2 Cycler: ‘Giddy Up. Get Involved. [It’ll] Be The Best Decision You Ever Made’
UPDATED 7:55 A.M. ET (DEC. 23, U.S.A.) In May 2009, before the launch of the alleged Zeek Rewards Ponzi scheme, a Zeek promoter who has hired famed attorney Ira Lee Sorkin appeared in a check-waving video for an “opportunity” known as Regenesis 2X2. Check-waving is used as a form of “proof” that an “opportunity” that […]