Safevest LLC

PP Blog Tag archives on references to "Safevest LLC."

BULLETIN: AdSurfDaily/OneX Pitchwoman Rayda Roundy Faces Proposed Fine Of $81,250 In Utah For Alleged Unlawful Sale Of ‘Safevest LLC’ Securities In Ponzi Scheme Targeted At Christians

BULLETIN: AdSurfDaily/OneX Pitchwoman Rayda Roundy Faces Proposed Fine Of $81,250 In Utah For Alleged Unlawful Sale Of 'Safevest LLC' Securities In Ponzi Scheme Targeted At Christians

BULLETIN: (UPDATED 4:58 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) The state of Utah has proposed that Rayda Roundy of Hurricane be fined $81,250 and ordered to cease and desist from selling securities unlawfully in the state for her alleged role in hawking Safevest LLC. In May 2008, the SEC described Safevest as a fraud- and Ponzi-like scheme that […]

BULLETIN: SEC Charges ‘Sovereign International Group LLC’ Amid Allegations It Funded Ponzi Payout With Cash Infusion From 93-Year-Old Boyfriend Of Accused Fraudster’s Elderly Mother; Arthur Weiss, Ronald Abernathy Charged In Bizarre Scheme That Allegedly Claimed Ownership Of $50 Million Note From ‘U.S. Financial Agency LLC’

BULLETIN: SEC Charges 'Sovereign International Group LLC' Amid Allegations It Funded Ponzi Payout With Cash Infusion From 93-Year-Old Boyfriend Of Accused Fraudster's Elderly Mother; Arthur Weiss, Ronald Abernathy Charged In Bizarre Scheme That Allegedly Claimed Ownership Of $50 Million Note From 'U.S. Financial Agency LLC'

BULLETIN: Two men have been charged by the SEC with fraud in an alleged Ponzi scheme that features allegations that read like fiction — although the agency says they are true. Among the SEC’s spectacular claims is that Ponzi payments to investors were made after the 93-year-old boyfriend of the elderly mother of one of […]