URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: SEC: Ponzi Money Collateralized Credit Line Used To Fund ‘Bridal Store, A Bounty Hunter Reality Television Show, And A Soul Food Restaurant’

“Marcum’s scheme began to unravel in mid-2013, when certain of his investors began demanding distributions. Marcum could not comply, because virtually all of his investors’ money is gone. However, Marcum has attempted to reassure his investors that their investment is secure by producing fabricated documents showing that he has purported net worth of nearly $300 […]
BULLETIN: SEC Charges 2 Executives Of Purported Clean-Coal Firm In Alleged $43 Million Offering Fraud; 1 Of Them Has Conviction For Bank Fraud And Was Arrested Dec. 1 Amid Allegations He Was Flogging New Offer In Violation Of Plea Agreement

BULLETIN: The SEC has gone to federal court in Minnesota, alleging that two executives of a clean-coal tech firm repeatedly lied to investors and that one of the executives had a conviction for bank fraud — a fact not disclosed to investors when the company was trawling for cash and using unregistered brokers to do […]
BULLETIN: SEC Halts Alleged $105 Million Ponzi Scheme Operating ‘Offshore’; Daniel Spitzer Charged In Complex International Fraud Case; Several Agencies Credited With Assisting Probe

Saying his offshore Ponzi scheme was on the verge of collapse but still collecting money, the SEC has charged a resident of the U.S. Virgin Islands with fraud. Several international authorities assisted in the probe, the SEC said. Daniel Spitzer, a U.S. citizen who resides in St. Thomas, was charged in the scheme. The SEC […]