Securities Division of the Office of the Attorney General of South Carolina

PP Blog Tag archives on references to "Securities Division of the Office of the Attorney General of South Carolina."

BULLETIN: CFTC Alleges Robert Stanley Harrison Of Easley, S.C., Was Presiding Over Fraud Scheme That Guaranteed ‘100 Percent Profits’ In 90 Days Through Investors Choice Advisors LLC Commodity Pool; Federal Judge Freezes Assets

BULLETIN: CFTC Alleges Robert Stanley Harrison Of Easley, S.C., Was Presiding Over Fraud Scheme That Guaranteed '100 Percent Profits' In 90 Days Through Investors Choice Advisors LLC Commodity Pool; Federal Judge Freezes Assets

BULLETIN: In a case filed under seal last week, the CFTC accused Robert Stanley Harrison of Easley, S.C.. of presiding over a commodity-pool and Forex fraud scheme in which investors were guaranteed a return of 100 percent in 90 days. The seal now has been lifted, and U.S. District Judge G. Ross Anderson has granted […]