sovereign citizens

PP Blog Tag archives on references to "sovereign citizens."

TelexFree Affiliate Pitches Appear To Have Been ‘Scraped’ To Drive Traffic To Purported Gold And Silver Venture In Panama; Spam Link Leads To Site That Showcases ‘First Zeek Red Carpet Event’ And ‘Banners Broker’ In Folder Labled ‘aaronsharazeek’

TelexFree Affiliate Pitches Appear To Have Been 'Scraped' To Drive Traffic To Purported Gold And Silver Venture In Panama; Spam Link Leads To Site That Showcases 'First Zeek Red Carpet Event' And 'Banners Broker' In Folder Labled 'aaronsharazeek'

UPDATED 7:36 P.M. ET (U.S.A.) Let’s say you’re out there feverishly flogging the TelexFree MLM even as the pyramid-scheme probe moves forward in Brazil, a judge and prosecutor have been threatened with death and TelexFree executive Carlos Costa is pulling an Andy Bowdoin and telling the world that God used him to bring the purported […]

Purported ‘Sovereign Citizen’ Had Armor-Piercing Bullets, Pointed Handgun And Threatened To Kill Victim, Fled Scene, Got Arrested And Released — And Then Was Arrested Again After Separate Victim Menaced With Rifle, Sheriff’s Office Says

Purported 'Sovereign Citizen' Had Armor-Piercing Bullets, Pointed Handgun And Threatened To Kill Victim, Fled Scene, Got Arrested And Released -- And Then Was Arrested Again After Separate Victim Menaced With Rifle, Sheriff's Office Says

Purported Tampa-region “sovereign citizen” Eric Holtgard had been out of jail less than 10 hours before he was arrested a second time for menacing and brandishing weapons, the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office said. In the first incident on Nov. 20 just after 3 p.m., Holtgard, 27, appeared at a car dealership, started screaming at employees […]

BULLETIN: Prosecution Seeks Final Forfeiture Of Guns, Badges, ‘Client’ Files And Digital Devices Of AdSurfDaily Figure And Purported ‘Sovereign Citizen’ Kenneth Wayne Leaming

BULLETIN: Prosecution Seeks Final Forfeiture Of Guns, Badges, 'Client' Files And Digital Devices Of AdSurfDaily Figure And Purported 'Sovereign Citizen' Kenneth Wayne Leaming

BULLETIN: Federal prosecutors in the Western District of Washington have asked a federal judge to issue a final order of forfeiture against the property of AdSurfDaily figure and purported “sovereign citizen” Kenneth Wayne Leaming. Leaming has agreed to forfeit the property, and a preliminary order of forfeiture already has been entered, according to prosecution filings. […]

OUR ANSWER: ‘Nuts!’ PP Blog Receives Threat That ‘Authorities’ Will Move Against It If It Doesn’t Remove Content About Profitable Sunrise Figure Nanci Jo Frazer And Others; Email Claims FBI ‘Fully Aware Of All Your Consistent Attempts’ To Harm Frazer Group

OUR ANSWER: 'Nuts!' PP Blog Receives Threat That 'Authorities' Will Move Against It If It Doesn't Remove Content About Profitable Sunrise Figure Nanci Jo Frazer And Others; Email Claims FBI 'Fully Aware Of All Your Consistent Attempts' To Harm Frazer Group

“No!” Make that “Hell no!” — or, as Gen. Anthony McAuliffe once famously scribbled at the prompting of Gen. Harry W.O. Kinnard during the Battle of the Bulge, after soldiers for the Nazi Third Reich demanded surrender: “Nuts!” At 12:11 a.m. ET today, the PP Blog inexplicably received five duplicate emails from an IP in […]

‘Sovereign Citizen,’ 66, Used ‘Bogus Checks’ To Pay For 2 Dodge Trucks, Chiropractic Services And Logging Equipment

'Sovereign Citizen,' 66, Used 'Bogus Checks' To Pay For 2 Dodge Trucks, Chiropractic Services And Logging Equipment

In the latest bizarre case involving a purported “sovereign citizen,” Charlie McCants Jr., 66, of Mayesville, S.C., has been convicted on seven counts of attempting to pass bogus government checks to pay for items such as Dodge trucks, chiropractic services and logging equipment, federal prosecutors said. “Evidence presented at the trial showed McCants used bogus […]

ALBANY (N.Y.) TIMES UNION: Purported ‘Sovereign Citizen’ Who Once Identified Himself As A ‘1922 Silver Dollar Coin’ Found Guilty After Being Tossed From Courtroom For Disruptive Behavior

ALBANY (N.Y.) TIMES UNION: Purported 'Sovereign Citizen' Who Once Identified Himself As A '1922 Silver Dollar Coin' Found Guilty After Being Tossed From Courtroom For Disruptive Behavior

It’s another bizarre one from the make-believe world of “sovereign citizens.” From the Albany Times Union, in a story dated today: “Glenn Unger, 62, could only watch the verdict via video from a cell in the Rensselaer County jail. Unger’s antics during the four-day trial before U.S. District Court Senior Judge Thomas McAvoy convinced the […]

HUFFINGTON POST, VIA THE CANADIAN PRESS: Purported ‘Sovereign Citizen’ (Freeman On The Land) Declares Alberta Woman’s Home His ‘Embassy’ And Files Lien For $17,000

HUFFINGTON POST, VIA THE CANADIAN PRESS: Purported 'Sovereign Citizen' (Freeman On The Land) Declares Alberta Woman's Home His 'Embassy' And Files Lien For $17,000

The Huffington Post, via The Canadian Press, is reporting that a purported freeman on the land has filed a lien against the property of an Alberta pensioner and declared her home his “embassy.” Rebekah Caverhill, the property owner, has been reduced to tears in her dealings with Andreas Pirelli, according to the report. Meanwhile, government […]

WREG (CBS/Memphis): City Of Memphis Rescinds ‘Moorish American Week’ Proclamation That Suggested ‘Sovereign Theocratic Government’ Independent Of Existing Governments In The Americas Had Been Formed

WREG (CBS/Memphis): City Of Memphis Rescinds 'Moorish American Week' Proclamation That Suggested 'Sovereign Theocratic Government' Independent Of Existing Governments In The Americas Had Been Formed

UPDATED 10:55 A.M. EDT (U.S.A.) The city of Memphis, Tenn., has joined the city of Fayetteville, N.C., in rescinding a 2012 “Moorish American Week” proclamation that apparently was rubber-stamped before the context of the proclamation was understood. Among other things, the proclamations in both cities claimed a “sovereign theocratic government” had been formed inside the […]

TELEXFREE: Promoters Tell Brazilian Prospects To Create Registration Address In England — And To Appear At Door Of Brazilian Supreme Court Judge

TELEXFREE: Promoters Tell Brazilian Prospects To Create Registration Address In England -- And To Appear At Door Of Brazilian Supreme Court Judge

EDITOR’S NOTE: At the time of the publication of this story, the PP Blog was experiencing trouble loading graphics. The probable cause of this is a conflict between certain plugins used by the Blog. We are working to correct this problem . . .   ** _____________________________ ** UPDATED 12:25 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) TelexFree, an […]

United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority Issues Warning On SolidTrustPay, An HYIP Darling On The Ponzi Boards

United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority Issues Warning On SolidTrustPay, An HYIP Darling On The Ponzi Boards

UPDATED 3:33 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) Thanks to PP Blog reader “Tony,” who first posted a link to the FCA warning in this story thread on how a Profitable Sunrise Facebook site was being used to promote TelexFree, an alleged pyramid scheme. In April 2013, the SEC described Profitable Sunrise as a murky offering fraud that […]

GLOBAL POST: Canadian Cops, Lawyers, Judges Named In Multimillion-Dollar ‘Liens’ Or ‘Ecclesiastical Notices’

GLOBAL POST: Canadian Cops, Lawyers, Judges Named In Multimillion-Dollar 'Liens' Or 'Ecclesiastical Notices'

On Sept. 28, 2012, the PP Blog reported on bizarre court filings linked to “sovereign citizens,” “Freemen-on-the-Land” and others in Canada.  The story may provide some additional context for a story published yesterday by the Global Post with a Vancouver dateline. From the Global Post: “Police officers, Crown lawyers and judges have been sued or […]