TelexFree clawbacks

PP Blog Tag archives on references to "TelexFree clawbacks."

BULLETIN: TelexFree Trustee Moves For Default Judgments Against Dozens Of Alleged Overseas ‘Winners’

BULLETIN: TelexFree Trustee Moves For Default Judgments Against Dozens Of Alleged Overseas 'Winners'

BULLETIN: TelexFree Trustee Stephen B. Darr has moved for assessments of damage and default judgments against dozens of alleged overseas “winners” in the massive Ponzi- and pyramid scheme. The motion before Chief U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Melvin S. Hoffman of the District of Massachusetts asks for millions of dollars from about 33 TelexFree promoters with non-U.S. […]

EDITORIAL: Arguments Of Zeek Winners Continue La-La Land Narrative, But Come As No Surprise In MLM’s HYIP Wing

EDITORIAL: Arguments Of Zeek Winners Continue La-La Land Narrative, But Come As No Surprise In MLM's HYIP Wing

Many people in the antiscam community applauded Kenneth D. Bell, the receiver for Zeek Rewards, when he sued more than 9,000 individuals more than two years ago for return of their gains from the scheme. Those gains — more than $200 million — came from Ponzi proceeds, Bell alleged. And he pointed out that the […]

Trustee Wants TelexFree’s Merrill To Appear At Meeting Next Week, Setting Stage For Potential 5th Amendment Showdown In Front Of Large Crowd

Trustee Wants TelexFree's Merrill To Appear At Meeting Next Week, Setting Stage For Potential 5th Amendment Showdown In Front Of Large Crowd

BULLETIN: TelexFree Trustee Stephen B. Darr today asked Judge Melvin S. Hoffman for an order that would compel TelexFree executive James Merrill to appear at a meeting of creditors at 11 a.m. on Feb. 10 at Mechanics Hall in Worcester, Mass. Darr also wants Hoffman to designate Merrill as TelexFree’s corporate representative, setting the stage for him […]