
PP Blog Tag archives on references to "TelexFreeUnitedStates."

TelexFree Affiliate Pitches Appear To Have Been ‘Scraped’ To Drive Traffic To Purported Gold And Silver Venture In Panama; Spam Link Leads To Site That Showcases ‘First Zeek Red Carpet Event’ And ‘Banners Broker’ In Folder Labled ‘aaronsharazeek’

TelexFree Affiliate Pitches Appear To Have Been 'Scraped' To Drive Traffic To Purported Gold And Silver Venture In Panama; Spam Link Leads To Site That Showcases 'First Zeek Red Carpet Event' And 'Banners Broker' In Folder Labled 'aaronsharazeek'

UPDATED 7:36 P.M. ET (U.S.A.) Let’s say you’re out there feverishly flogging the TelexFree MLM even as the pyramid-scheme probe moves forward in Brazil, a judge and prosecutor have been threatened with death and TelexFree executive Carlos Costa is pulling an Andy Bowdoin and telling the world that God used him to bring the purported […]