‘WINGS NETWORK’: Court Orders Disgorgement Of Tens Of Millions Of Dollars In Pyramid/Ponzi Case — Plus, Prison Sentences Ordered In eAdGear Case

Back in February 2015, the SEC brought a Ponzi- and pyramid action against the alleged operators of “Wings Network,” alleging a cross-border MLM fraud that had gathered tens of millions of dollars. Massachusetts Commonwealth Secretary William Galvin, head of the Massachusetts Securities Division, charged Wings Network and some individuals in 2014. The SEC announced today […]
EDITORIAL: Creeping Up On MLM Perdition

EDITOR’S NOTE: The MLM “program” known as Wings Network is alleged to have operated through two business entities that used the name “Tropikgadget.” The SEC’s case, announced Friday, is filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts. That’s the same venue in which the agency’s epic TelexFree case was filed last year. There […]
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: SEC Calls ‘Wings Network’ A ‘Ponzi And Pyramid Scheme’; Firms, Executives And A Dozen Promoters Charged

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: (14th update 3:19 p.m. ET U.S.A.) The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has gone to federal court in Massachusetts, alleging the “Wings Network” MLM “program” is a Ponzi and pyramid scheme that gathered at least $23.5 million. Wings Network purported to offer “digital and mobile solutions to customers, including apps […]