Is Jeunesse Rep Trying To Raid Vemma, Usana, Amway And Mary Kay Downlines? And Is Affiliate A Lawyer?

On Oct. 24, the PP Blog reported that Truth In Advertising ( had raised concerns about health-related claims surrounding the Jeunesse MLM, including a claim from an apparent rep that a product known as Jeunesse Reserve had reversed the course of gangrene in a patient with diabetes who was facing an amputation. Today the PP Blog is reporting that […]
Jeunesse MLM Rep Pulls A Piccolo

Truth In Advertising ( reported yesterday that a website styled JeunesseReserve at a WordPress site had positioned the MLM juice offering Jeunesse Reserve as a product that will reverse the course of gangrene in patients with diabetes who are facing amputations. According to the product claim, a woman with diabetes had developed gangrene of the finger and no longer could […]
Vemma Tells Court Consumers ‘Possibly’ Took Unreasonable Risk In Joining Its MLM Program, But Did So Knowingly

“Consumers represented by the FTC knowingly and voluntarily, and possibly unreasonably, exposed themselves to any claimed losses with knowledge or appreciation of the risk involved.” — Part of Vemma’s Sept. 30 defense to pyramid-scheme and deceptive-advertising charges filed by the FTC in August Consumers can be forgiven if they view part of Vemma’s defense to […]
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: Evidence Before Court Leaves ‘Little Doubt’ FTC Will Prove Vemma Is Pyramid Scheme, Judge Says

6th Update 6:41 p.m. EDT U.S.A. A federal judge has issued a much-anticipated order in the Federal Trade Commission’s pyramid-scheme case against Vemma that says “[t]he evidence before the Court leaves little doubt that the FTC will ultimately succeed on the merits in demonstrating that Vemma is operating a pyramid scheme.” U.S. District Judge John J. […]
In Asking Court To Reject Proposed Herbalife Class-Action Settlement, Objectors Point To Clawback Actions Flowing From Zeek Case

EDITOR’S NOTE: Clients of attorney Douglas M. Brooks object to the proposed Herbalife-class-action settlement on a number of grounds. This story focuses on only one of them: one that cites “clawback” actions flowing from the Zeek Rewards’ Ponzi- and pyramid case. The Zeek clawback actions underscore the litigation dangers MLM distributors may encounter after harrumphing […]