Tully A. Lovisa

PP Blog Tag archives on references to "Tully A. Lovisa."

Judge Halts Alleged Sweepstakes Scam That Traded On Name Of Government And Used ‘Official Looking Seals,’ FTC Says; Schemers Tried To Dupe ‘Hundreds Of Thousands’ Of Consumers

Judge Halts Alleged Sweepstakes Scam That Traded On Name Of Government And Used 'Official Looking Seals,' FTC Says; Schemers Tried To Dupe 'Hundreds Of Thousands' Of Consumers

A federal judge in California has halted a marketing scheme in which the symbols and language of government and the names of bogus government agencies with “official sounding names” were used to trick consumers into believing they’d won a sweepstakes, the FTC said. Twelve defendants have been charged in the alleged scheme, which charged consumers […]