Illinois Forex Ponzi Schemers Get Combined Prison Sentences Of Nearly 30 Years; Feds Identify More Than 1,000 Victims Of $17 Million Swindle In Which $1 Million Went To ‘Strip Club And Restaurants’

Charles G. Martin has been sentenced to 17 years in federal prison — and fellow Forex Ponzi schemer John E. Walsh has been sentenced to more than 12 years — in a case in which investors’ money went to pay for strippers, fine meals, fine hotels, a piano, high-end electronics, artwork, jewelry, flashy cars and […]
BULLETIN: Steven Salutric, Illinois Man Accused By SEC Last Year Of Stealing From 96-Year-Old Nursing Home Patient With Dementia, Now Charged Criminally

BULLETIN: Federal prosecutors in the Northern District of Illinois have charged Steven W. Salutric with wire fraud, the office of U.S. Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald said. Salutric, 53, of Carol Stream, initially was charged civilly by the SEC in January 2010, amid shocking allegations that, to keep his Ponzi and fraud scheme afloat, he stole […]
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: KABOOM! Feds, SEC, CFTC Move Against Alleged U.S. Huckster Who Ran Forex Ponzi Scheme From Panama And Fled To Peru; Self-Styled ‘Christian’ Jeffery A. Lowrance Registered Business In New Zealand And Routed Ponzi Payments To And From The Netherlands, Officials Say

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: A U.S. citizen who told investors he was a “Christian” who shared their political philosophy of “limited government” ripped off hundreds of people in a $21 million Forex Ponzi scheme involving “fictitious trading,” used some of the cash to start an alternative newspaper, preyed on followers of U.S. Rep. Ron […]