The ‘Festa Effect?’ Comments, Interactivity Stats Plunge As Cyberstalker Uses YouTube To Pillory PP Blog, Posters
Key statistics about reader interaction with the Blog have plunged dramatically during the past 30 days. Comments posted by readers during the 30-day statistical snapshot have decreased markedly from 10.2 per day to 3.8 per day. Meanwhile, the number of words in comments has fallen more than 1,000 — from an average of 1,462 […]
Cyberstalker ‘joe’ Sent Repeated Harassing Communications From Network Registered To City Government In California; Threatened To Sue PP Blog
EDITOR’S NOTE: Is it any wonder so many people believe the Internet is just one giant cesspool? This is the latest news on “joe,” who graduated from Ponzi advocacy to cyberstalking in September. UPDATED 4:28 P.M. ET (U.S.A.) Saying he wants to give the Blog something else to “chew on” after it announced Saturday […]
ANNOUNCEMENT: Blog To Share Data On ‘unclefesta26’ With Law Enforcement; Blog Also Will Share Data On ‘joe’
DECEMBER 12, 2009, 12:03 P.M. ET (U.S.A.). The Blog announced today that it has made an arrangement to share data about cyberstalkers “unclefesta26” and “joe” on its own initiative with law-enforcement and, at the Blog’s discretion, with the operators of certain websites. The Blog’s decision to share a limited amount of information with authorities […]