
PP Blog Tag archives on references to "V-Credits."

AdSurfDaily Cited In INetGlobal/Steve Renner Search Warrant Application; Former Company CEO Helped Agents Prior To Raid; Undercover Agent Joined Surf Program; Agents Witnessed Spectacle At New York Function

AdSurfDaily Cited In INetGlobal/Steve Renner Search Warrant Application; Former Company CEO Helped Agents Prior To Raid; Undercover Agent Joined Surf Program; Agents Witnessed Spectacle At New York Function

The U.S. Secret Service observed Minnesota-based INetGlobal’s operations for weeks in January, dispatched undercover agents to join the autosurf, learned that a bank recently had closed accounts tied to the firm amid money-laundering suspicions — and already had received incriminating information from the firm’s former chief executive officer prior to executing multiple search warrants Tuesday, […]