REVISITING ADVIEWGLOBAL AND ‘ONEX’: Why Promoters Of Better-Living Global Marketing, Zeek Rewards, TelexFree And Profitable Sunrise Should Care About Scam History

EDITOR’S NOTE: The PP Blog is back — after its most recent brush with death led to a suspension of publishing that lasted through all or parts of six days. You’ll read more in the days ahead about certain changes the Blog plans to implement to safeguard its right to publish, to improve revenue, to […]
Missouri Orders Alleged HYIP Operated By Christopher Hanson To Cease And Desist; Scheme Reached Into North Carolina, State Alleges; Tough Economic Times Give Scammers Opportunity To ‘Pull Schemes Directly From The Pages Of The Fraud Playbook,’ Official Says

UPDATED 10:52 A.M. EDT (U.S.A.) Christopher Hanson of Springfield, Mo., has been ordered to “cease and desist” from offering an HYIP “featuring supposed ‘leveraging’ on U.S. Treasuries,” the office of Secretary of State Robin Carnahan announced. Missouri state securities regulators described the scheme as a hybrid that married Hanson’s HYIP to a prime-bank scheme. “In […]
UPDATE: More Red Flags At ‘Text Cash Network’; Firm’s ‘Official’ Video Has YouTube Upload Date Of Nov. 15, 2011 — But Same Video With Nearly 3-Year Old Upload Date Also Appears On YouTube For Same ‘Opportunity’

In this Nov. 13 post, the PP Blog published a list of red flags concerning online promos for Text Cash Network (TCN), purportedly an emerging business “opportunity” involving text advertising and cell phones. A promo for TCN appeared — and then vanished — from a website linked to huckster Phil Piccolo, known online as “the […]
EDITORIAL: As Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force Website ( Spotlights AdSurfDaily Prosecution, Bizarre Email Circulating Among ASD Members Raises New Conspiracy Theories

UPDATED 10:31 A.M. EDT (U.S.A). ASD case subject of discussion in Washington’s highest power corridors: The Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force was formed by President Obama in November 2009. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, a member of the President’s cabinet and the chief law-enforcement officer of the U.S. government, presides over the Task Force. Secret […]
BULLETIN: Commodities Online LLC Fraud Case Takes Unexpected Turn; Federal Judge Says Defense Attorney Accused Her Of ‘Trampling’ On Client’s Constitutional Rights In Issuing Order To Turn Over $1.45 Million To Court-Appointed Receiver

BULLETIN: A federal judge in Florida who says she was accused of “abusing” her discretion and “trampling” the Constitutional rights of a man implicated in an alleged multimillion-dollar commodities fraud by the SEC has ordered the defense attorney who made the assertions to explain himself and substantiate claims that his client had been denied due […]
Tax Lien Was Filed Against Golden Panda’s Clarence Busby Prior To Lawsuit Autosurf Operator Filed Against Bank; Separately, Georgia Has Dissolved 2 Busby Firms And Says Biz Ad Splash ‘Surf Company In State Of Noncompliance

EDITOR’S NOTE: Clarence Busby Jr., a figure associated with at least four autosurfs — AdSurfDaily, Golden Panda Ad Builder, LaFuenteDinero and BizAdSplash — has encountered a recent string of troubles, including a mortgage foreclosure and tax liens. Owing to his association with ASD President Andy Bowdoin, who operated ASD and LaFuenteDinero and once had a […]
PART 2: PROSECUTION BOMBSHELL(S): Operators And ‘Insiders’ Received ‘Millions Of Dollars’ From ASD; Bowdoin Changed Subject When Told What He Was Doing Was ‘Not Mathematically Possible’; Government Targeted ASD Money In Iowa Bank Accounts

EDITOR’S NOTE: See Part One here. UPDATED 1:46 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) AdSurfDaily “paid out millions of dollars to operators and insiders,” according to a U.S. Secret Service affidavit originally filed under seal in February 2009. But ASD President Andy Bowdoin changed the subject when people told him that what Florida-based ASD was doing not only […]