Zeek Net-Winner Notifications Expected To Begin Soon; Receiver To Establish ‘Net Winnings Determination Response Portal’
If you’re a net winner in the massive Zeek Rewards’ Ponzi- and pyramid scheme, your notice that you must return your ill-gotten haul with interest may arrive as early as next week. Under the terms of a court order by Senior U.S. District Judge Graham C. Mullen, the notice will apply to more than 9,000 alleged winners […]
Zeek Receiver To Make Third Distribution To Ponzi Victims, Says A Fourth Is Possible
In an announcement dated Jan. 12, 2017, Zeek receiver Kenneth D. Bell said he’ll make a third distribution to Ponzi victims and that a fourth is possible. After the third distribution, victims will have received about 75 percent of their losses, Bell said. The third distribution is set for March 15. Let us note here that […]
Full Statement From Zeek Receiver On Motion To Certify Net Winner Class
EDITOR’S NOTE: Zeek receiver Kenneth D. Bell has issued the following statement (below). The original is here and is dated July 30, 2014. “RVG” stands for Rex Venture Group, the operator of Zeek. Zeek is alleged to be a Ponzi- and pyramid scheme that gathered on the order of $850 million. The receiver’s statement addresses […]