BREAKING NEWS: Andy Bowdoin Negotiating With Federal Prosecutors In AdSurfDaily Inc. Forfeiture Case

UPDATED 1:23 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) AdSurfDaily President Andy Bowdoin — through his attorney — is negotiating with federal prosecutors.

Charles A. Murray, Bowdoin’s attorney, has advised U.S. District Judge Rosemary Collyer that the negotiations “could result in an agreement resolving the matters in dispute either in part or whole.”

Prosecutors have consented to Bowdoin being granted a delay until Aug. 28 to respond to an order to show cause why motions he filed to reverse a previous decision he made to cede tens of millions of dollars seized last year should not be denied. Bowdoin’s response was due Aug. 7 by court order.

Collyer has not ruled on the consent motion to delay the response to Aug. 28.

Murray’s motion today was filed on behalf of Bowdoin and AdSurfDaily Inc. The motion did not reference Bowdoin/Harris Enterprises, another corporate entity for which Murray entered a notice of appearance in April.

Why Murray did not list Bowdoin/Harris Enterprises in today’s motion is unclear.

Members of the Bowdoin/Harris family — including Bowdoin’s stepson George Harris — have been identified as the owners of the AdViewGlobal autosurf, which suspended cashouts June 25 and later disabled its forum.

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8 Responses to “BREAKING NEWS: Andy Bowdoin Negotiating With Federal Prosecutors In AdSurfDaily Inc. Forfeiture Case”

  1. I have to ask – what could Andy possibly have that he could offer the prosecutors that would be valuable enough to “resolve the matters”?

    Money? Does Andy have access to significant sums of money that have so far been hidden away? I doubt that a 2-bit con-man like Andy could have hidden away anything like that would make the charges suddenly “resolve”.

    Names? I doubt Andy knows any names or complicit insiders that the prosecutors do not already know about.

    I think the only thing he has to offer is the promise not to contend the forfeiture any further. But didn’t he already do that?

    What else has Andy got to offer?

  2. Tony H:

    I have to agree. The motion was in regard to Andy’s initial Pro Se filing of rescinding his asset forfeiture claim. Since we know the government is not going to give Andy his assets back: money, cars, toys, etc, etc., then what is being negotiated in this civil action?

    Now, if he is using this as a means to negotiate a settlement of criminal charges, which he knows is looming next, then I might understand it. But that has nothing to to do with the asset forfeiture that I can see. So I am baffled as to why the government is willing to grant this motion until the 28th.

  3. We are still on the civil side, no?

    If he’s got anything, it’s got to be information that the Feds don’t already have like a few bank accounts, operations information, etc. Other than that, he’s agreed to everything else previously. The Feds would just have to hold him to what he promised earlier.

  4. It probably takes that long to get his airplane ticket, passport and transfer all other funds to far away places for a clean get away.

  5. Tony,

    I would guess that desperate men will try anything to avoid spending the rest of their life in prison, and to avoid their “loved” ones spending theirs there as well. At the very least, perhaps he can delay his prison term by dragging out the civil case or gain some leniency. We’ll know soon enough I’d hope. Presumably Bowdoin can read, so today’s headline from Bloomberg (great news!) has to rattle someone like Bowdoin, who knows that the government has him dead-to-rights. Edward Okun gets 100 years for $123 MM fraud. hmmmm, Andy should only get 76 years…..

    $126 million fraud lands former executive a 100-year sentence

    Tony H: I have to ask – what could Andy possibly have that he could offer the prosecutors that would be valuable enough to “resolve the matters”?Money? Does Andy have access to significant sums of money that have so far been hidden away? I doubt that a 2-bit con-man like Andy could have hidden away anything like that would make the charges suddenly “resolve”.Names? I doubt Andy knows any names or complicit insiders that the prosecutors do not already know about.I think the only thing he has to offer is the promise not to contend the forfeiture any further. But didn’t he already do that?What else has Andy got to offer?

  6. […] that time, Charles Murray, Bowdoin’s attorney, asked for the deadline to be extended until Aug. 28 because ASD and the government were negotiating. Judge Rosemary Collyer granted the deadline […]

  7. […] attorney, Charles A. Murray, announced in court filings Aug. 4 that Bowdoin was negotiating with federal […]

  8. […] the month of August 2009, ASD’s Bowdoin announced in court filings that he was “negotiating” with federal prosecutors. The August 2009 negotiations, which […]