BREAKING NEWS: Judge Denies ASD Pleadings En Masse

UPDATED 4:50 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) A federal judge has issued an order denying 31 pro se filers standing in the ASD case.

Judge Rosemary Collyer denied the filings in a four-page order. Three pages of the document included the names of the individual filers, and a specific order to each one denying their motions to “Intervene and Petition[s] to Return Wrongfully Confiscated Funds.”

Denied were:

  1. Stan Ketchum
  2. Lucia M. Ruggeroni
  3. Barbara J. Bowles
  4. Robert Bowles
  5. Dawn Starling
  6. Eva Cater
  7. Sara Lehman
  8. Christopher Blake Scott
  9. Harold L. Shaffer
  10. Daniel N. Reams
  11. James Richards
  12. John Deminico
  13. Thomas M. Shearer, Jr.
  14. Earl R. Dehart, Jr.
  15. Peter McFray
  16. Stephen O’Brien
  17. Julie Ann Larson
  18. Christine Keyworth
  19. Joseph L. Dunn
  20. Caesar Nunez
  21. Laurie Ann Solliday
  22. Tucker Norton
  23. Tobias Norton
  24. Steven F. Norton
  25. Sandra Norton
  26. Richard H. Frary
  27. Linda Frary
  28. Judith Arnold
  29. Richard Moll
  30. James Wessels
  31. Maureen Wessels

Larson filed a claim for $250,000 in ASD ad-packs, as opposed to a sum of money. The judge denied the claim without comment.

Collyer now has denied all 41 pro se claims that began to appear at the courthouse Aug. 24. She denied the first batch of 10 Aug. 31.

Read the judge’s mass denial of pro se pleadings today.

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11 Responses to “BREAKING NEWS: Judge Denies ASD Pleadings En Masse”

  1. Judge Collyer smacked them like a redheaded step child!!

  2. Patrick:

    This news should not come as a surprise to anyone, as this was a foregone conclusion. Hopefully this will not put an end to these senseless Pro Se filings. Then again, none of these people seem to have the IQ of a rock collectively.

  3. Don,

    If one views the CIVIL evidentiary hearing last fall as battle by two teams to be the first to score 51 points — the majority of points in a game to 100 in which the winner is determined after one team scores the majority of possible points (51/100) — the hearing ended with the prosecution winning 50-0.

    The prosecution scored the 51st point with Andy Bowdoin’s submission to forfeiture in January. The only thing remaining was for the judge to certify the 51st point and issue a forfeiture order, thus effectively ending the case and setting the stage for the government to liquidate the assets and implement a restitution program for crime victims.

    If one views the pro se filings that have piled up since February as a separate game pitting individual filers against the government, the government now is winning by the unofficial score of 57-0.

    It would be easier to view the most recent 41 pro se filings as a venture in civics by publicly spirited individuals if they hadn’t been so disingenuous.


  4. Bless Judge Collyer for not wasting any more time over that bunch.

    Next stop 14th September! (notwithstanding the next bunch of signed confessions from the Kool Aid Club.)

  5. 0 for 41…….. What say you now Mr. Vavra?

  6. I lost $21,000 when my funds along with many other people’s funds were taken away by the government a week after I gave it to the Ad Surf Daily people. Is there any way I will ever get my money back? I am very poor and really need my money back. Please Judge Collyer? I don’t even know how to petition for my money back. Can’t you just write us checks for what we deposited the week before the government confiscation?

    Taylor Barcroft
    PO Box 1813
    Capitola CA 94010-1813

  7. Taylor, you are correct in saying you gave your money to Andy as it became his once you sent it in. I am sorry to hear of your financial loss, but what business were you advertising for $21,000? Right, you put the money in to make money, it was an investment scam, Taylor. That’s why the “evil” government jumped in. Andy has been caught doing this same thing twice before and convicted twice as a felon.

    If you want to put in a claim for the money you lost, make sure you have your receipts for the money sent to ASD, and go here for a form:

    Taylor Barcroft: I lost $21,000 when my funds along with many other people’s funds were taken away by the government a week after I gave it to the Ad Surf Daily people. Is there any way I will ever get my money back? I am very poor and really need my money back. Please Judge Collyer? I don’t even know how to petition for my money back. Can’t you just write us checks for what we deposited the week before the government confiscation?Taylor Barcroft
    PO Box 1813
    Capitola CA 94010-1813

  8. Hi Taylor,

    If history is any guide, in a few years, 3 – 5, you will get 10% to 30% back. That’s not a promise or any sort of prediction, just what happens historically.

    I am sorry for your loss, but most of the money went to those who got in early. There may have been $93 million in the accounts but, again, if history is any guide, it will not be anywhere near enough to satisfy the claims. One note of optimism though, the Secret Service stepped in relatively quickly so much of the money may be preserved. Who knows. We’ll all have to see how this plays out.

    Taylor Barcroft: I lost $21,000 when my funds along with many other people’s funds were taken away by the government a week after I gave it to the Ad Surf Daily people. Is there any way I will ever get my money back? I am very poor and really need my money back. Please Judge Collyer? I don’t even know how to petition for my money back. Can’t you just write us checks for what we deposited the week before the government confiscation?Taylor Barcroft
    PO Box 1813
    Capitola CA 94010-1813

  9. Taylor,

    Sorry to hear about your situation. Please be aware that the government did not take your money. One thing everybody, and I mean everybody, who has legal standing in this case agree on and that is this: The Government seized Andy Bowdoin’s assets, not yours, not mine, not anybody else’s, just Andy’s. Period. End of (sad) story. Those in agreement include Andy’s first set of lawyers, his second set, Andy himself, Judge Collyer, and the team of prosecutors. Frankly, no one else has standing, as proven by the 0 for 41 batting average for ASD members who thought they had standing. In other words, the second you put your check in the mail, or handed it to ASD, it belonged to Andy. It would be illegal for Judge Collyer to (for example) send you your $21,000 back. As Dirty Bird points out, victims will not be compensated 100%, since the criminals behind ASD (and there are MANY) have made off with the difference. In fact it is law that the victims of these types of crimes must be treated equally. If the payout from restitution is 30%, and you were to get 100%, then some other victim will get less than 30%. Best of luck!

    Taylor Barcroft: I lost $21,000 when my funds along with many other people’s funds were taken away by the government a week after I gave it to the Ad Surf Daily people. Is there any way I will ever get my money back? I am very poor and really need my money back. Please Judge Collyer? I don’t even know how to petition for my money back. Can’t you just write us checks for what we deposited the week before the government confiscation?Taylor BarcroftPO Box 1813Capitola CA 94010-1813

  10. You’re allegedly ‘very poor’ but have $21,000 laying around to throw into a scam? I must be my own third world country then. Please.

  11. It could have been charged to a credit card. It could have been borrowed. It happens all the time in these scams.

    Whip: You’re allegedly ‘very poor’ but have $21,000 laying around to throw into a scam? I must be my own third world country then. Please.