Warnings Appear On Craigslist In NarcThatCar Ads; Some Ads Targeted For Removal Day After FTC Announced Crackdown On Online Fraud
UPDATED 9:47 A.M. ET (U.S.A.) Coincidence? Part of the new partnership the FTC announced yesterday with Craigslist that urges consumers to be on the lookout for scams when responding to job and business opportunity ads online?
Messages urging caution are appearing in Craigslist ads for NarcThatCar, the Dallas-based company that says it is building a database for companies that repossess automobiles and is using a multilevel-marketing program to attract thousands of members.
Warnings were observed at the top of NarcThatCar ads on Craigslist in several cities this morning. The warnings appear at the top of the pages of individual postings and are highlighted in yellow, with a red lead-in:
“Avoid scams and fraud by dealing locally!” the lead-in warns. A “More info” link appears after a general warning about money scams, and the link resolves to a page that includes information on how to contact the FTC.

Screen shot: This Craigslist ad for NarcThatCar in Baton Rouge was one of several that included a warning message that linked to information on how to contact the FTC.
An Atlanta Craigslist ad for NarcThatCar with a headline of “Start Your Own Business! – $125 (Worldwide!)” includes the warning message. The ad calls NarcThatCar an ‘investment.”
“Make over $5000.00 a month with a $125.00 investment! Go to jnelson.narcthatcar.com!” the ad reads.
A NarcThatCar ad on Craigslist in Houston also includes the warning, which appears above a headline that reads, “Earn Extra Cash!… Collecting Data! (www.extracash4plates.narcthatcar.com).”
Meanwhile, a Craigslist ad for NarcThatCar in Oklahoma City also includes the warning. Its headline is “Data Entry/Networking.”
The warning also appears above a NarcThatCar ad in New York’s Craigslist, above a headline that reads “Make money by reporting license plate numbers” and a sales pitch that begins, “What would you do if you could get paid over $2 for every license plate number you write down?”
What once was an ad for Narc That Car on Craigslist in Austin, Texas, does not include the warning. Rather, the ad includes this message, “This posting has been flagged for removal.”
Elsewhere, a NarcThatCar Craigslist ad in Baton Rouge includes the warning, above a headline that reads, “The Simplist Homebase Marketing Job on the Planet! (Baton Rouge).”
The body copy of the ad says (in part), “Learn how to turn information into income NARC (National Automobile Recovery Company) ThatCar.com
“No Selling, No Products or Inventory
“100% Return on Investment as fast as 24 to 48 hours.
“Job Duty: Enter 10 random license plates per month to help create a National real time database that is used by: Police Department(criminal involvement), FBI(Amber Alert), Military(Terriorist), Banks, Car Rentals, Car Dealerships (RePo), and Major Business for marketing purposes.”
Quick note:
I’ve noticed this morning that some NarcThatCar ads on Craiglist that used AMBER Alert’s name have been “flagged for removal.”
Cities include:
Grand Rapids
Here’s one that remains in Jacksonville. Headline is “Help Amber Alert!”
And another one in Hawaii:
And another one in Los Angeles (although the ad headline references Fort Lauderdale, Fla.):
Here’s one that remains from Seattle, but includes the warning:
“You will be helping out companies like AMBER ALERT, LIEN HOLDERS and Banks, FBI, MAJOR RETAIL CORPs,” the ad says.
Another one (Bakersfield, Calif.) that includes the warning:
“We’re currently developing a nationwide data base for major automotive lien holders,Amber Alert, Law Enforcement . . .” the ad says.
Here’s one from Grand Rapids, Mich., that mentions AMBER Alert, calls Narc That Car “a Gold Mine” and a “Movement” and does not include the warning:
Here’s one that from Phoenix that references Fort Lauderdale, mentions AMBER Alert and does not include the warning:
Here’s one from Detroit that references Fort Lauderdale, mentions AMBER Alert and does not include the warning:
Here’s one from Los Angeles that references AMBER Alert and includes the warning:
“You would be helping with things like Amber Alert and almost all car rental dealerships,” the ad says.
Here’s one from Charleston that references AMBER Alert and does not include the warning:
“Where are you going to get your plates? Anywhere in the United States! Get them at your local WalMart, Burger King or McDonald’s,” the ad urges.
One from Myrtle Beach that references AMBER Alert and does not include the warning:
Here’s one from Waco that references AMBER Alert and includes the warning:
Where does one go to get plates?
“Anywhere there is a vehicle and a valid address – residences, shopping malls, stores, restaurants, etc…” the ad says.
Here is the same person (likely) advertising NarcThatCar in three Craigslist markets:
Here’s one from Datyona that references AMBER Alert, with no warning:
Just wanted to throw this on here. Something I posted on scam.com where jah is feverishly trying to deflect heavily:
Wait until you see this video!
Here’s the real one – Notice they are wearing the same clothes.
Hi char,
Nice find. Thanks for sharing those.
The “Team Trinity International” downline group for Narc That Car is referenced in the first URL above. The video appears to have been fashioned from a Public Service Announcement put out by several celebrities urging people to vote. The content seems to come from about the 3:40 mark of the PSA, which is the bottom link above.
Team Trinity International also produced a video that used the logos of 30 famous retail companies, positioning their parking lots as good places to capture license-plate data:
Team Trinity International also referenced AMBER Alert:
Quick note:
Reuters reported that the PSA referenced by char above was produced by “Appian Way Productions” owned by Leonardo DiCaprio.
[…] confirmation also destroyed claims from individual NTC affiliates that the company had an existing stable of law enforcement clients […]