FOX 5 ATLANTA: Narc That Car President, Director Involved In Previous Pyramid Schemes; Separately, Math Expert Says License-Plate Location System ‘Like Finding A Needle In A Haystack’

A Georgia State University mathematics professor consulted by Fox News 5 in Atlanta said Narc's purported data-driven location system was like finding a needle in a haystack.
The Fox 5 News “I-Team” in Atlanta has returned to the subjects of pyramid schemes and Narc That Car, also known as Crowd Sourcing International. (See video and link below.)
During tonight’s principal newscast, veteran investigative reporter Dana Fowle reported that Narc President Jacques Johnson was a manager in YourTravelBiz (YTB), which was sued in 2008 by California Attorney General Jerry Brown for operating a pyramid scheme.
Meanwhile, Fox 5Â reported that Narc Director Norman Pearah, who owns the building in which the firm’s offices are located, was charged in Louisiana in the 1980s with running an “endless chain” pyramid scheme.
Records reviewed by the PP Blog show that the California case against YTB was settled with a stipulated judgment that ordered the company to pay $1 million. Records also show that YTB sought an injunction in federal court against Johnson amid allegations he violated a “director’s agreement,” solicited members to move from YTB while still a director and violated a “non-compete” agreement after leaving YTB.
Johnson “hung up” on Fowle when she contacted him for comment, the station reported.
Separately, the station reported that it consulted with Yichuan Zhao, a mathematics professor at Georgia State University, about Narc’s license-plate data claims.
The professor, who appeared on camera with a chart and graphs, observed that the math of Narc was “like finding a needle in a haystack.”
Narc has said its system could help recover abducted children. Although promoters claimed the firm was affiliated with the AMBER Alert program, the U.S. Department of Justice denied in February that the program had any affiliation with Narc. So did the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, which administers the secondary AMBER Alert program for the Justice Department.
Fox 5 also aired a Narc report during last night’s newscast. Last night’s report revisited the station’s previous reports on Narc, which featured the use of a hidden camera.
See tonight’s Fox 5 report below:
Visit the Fox 5 website.
Hands up anyone who is surprised:
Anyone ?????
Anyone at all ????
Too bad we can not get the news team to take on DNA…now that would be a story. The YTB scheme sounds just like the one that DNA is offering.
Of course it does, it’s just the sort of thing Phil-The-Crime-Wave would be involved in.
More links show up on google that show how deep his involvement was.
I think it was Jasper Carrot who said: “I’ll rephrase that – hands up IN THE AIR…”
If people cannot make money with a travel product, then why is Expedia selling home based businesses? YTB is publicly traded, and in the Travel Weekly Power List for the fourth year in a row. No pyramid scheme ever got listed and cleared by the SEC or the DSA. Get the facts straight.
YTB is becoming a franchise in 2010. So, is McDonald’s a pyramid? Is Home Depot a pyramid? Does Travelocity do business with YTB Travel. Y.E.S.! In fact, Worldspan runs the booking engine. We sell travel (a product) and we sell online internet malls–ZamZuu, another product.) And associates who do nothing make nothing. Judge in California case said never again to raise up a lawsuit against YTB because NOTHING IS WRONG. Go to or call the office at 618-655-9477. Have them set up a free tour of the 120,000 square foot facility headquarters, run a check on the ARC number 14564793 to see if we are a REAL company, and get off the skeptic bus, and get back the downsized jobs that left America chewing on a soda cracker.
Oh..Stanford and Harvard must be part of the scheme too…they offer graduate degree programs teaching network marketing. Network = Relationship. And Jacque Johnson whom I know personally only loves himself and those he can use….P.S. The new team has to edit for sake of time and will tell people what they want to hear to get a high rating. It’s called commercialism.
Learn the facts, or hush until the facts are straight.
None of your scams/ponzis can even remotely be compared to a real business. That’s where you fail again miserably.
A California judge rules that in fact the charges brought against YTD by the California AG were valid, thus rendering an official court opinion that YTB was a pyramid scheme. Further, the “company” is ordered to pay $1MM for their pyramid activities. Not sure how exactly this means that YTB is innocent. Usually promoters say “innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Well Cynth’ya, in this court, YTB has been found guilty of being an illegal pyramid. Sorry, that’s the official legal position (for now — I assume you and your fellow promoters will pony up your own $$$$ to appeal, right?).
Of course, this has nothing to do with the main thrust of the article, which is the (obvious) scam status of NTC.