UPDATE: AdSurfDaily ‘Blast’ Apparently Has Begun; PP Blog Has Received Complaints From Members Who Say They Never Agreed To Receive A Fundraising Email; One Member May Be A Witness For The Government In The ASD Ponzi Case

Andy Bowdoin

UPDATE: The PP Blog yesterday began to receive complaints from AdSurfDaily members unhappy that they were being solicited to help ASD President and accused Ponzi schemer Andy Bowdoin pay for his criminal defense.

“Check this out,” one concerned ASD member said. “Andy is asking his victims to pony up in excess of $500K to help [h]is legal defense.”

Another member said, “How do I put in a complaint? I live in Canada and what works in the USA may not work here. I don’t want any more e-mail’s from these people. I’ve already lost 15,000.00.”

This morning the Blog received a complaint from a person it believes potentially is a witness against Bowdoin in the government’s Ponzi case.

“[O]f all the people to send this to he [chose] to send one to me,” the person said. “[H]e needs help!!”

The fundraising email purports to be “100% compliant with the Can-Spam Act of Nov. 2003” and to have been sent through “NetSuccessInc and/or it’s (sic) subsidary (sic) companies.” It encourages recipients to view Bowdoin’s fundraising message and provides a link to this website:netsuccessinc.com. The email itself is attributed to Bowdoin, and the netsuccessinc website provides a link to yet another Bowdoin fundraising site: AndysFundraisingArmy.com.

The netsuccessinc.com site is registered in the name of “Millionaire Marketing International.” Tari Steward is listed as the contact person in the domain registration. Millionaire Marketing International is listed in Florida records as a fictitious business registered in 2009. It is owned by Net Success Inc.

Florida records show that Net Success Inc. was dissolved in September 2010 for not filing an annual report. Steward is listed as an officer of the firm. Records in Florida also show that Steward was an officer of a company known as “Millionaire Marketing Inc.” That firm’s registration appears to have been dissolved in 2009.

Steward is listed in federal court filings as a potential witness for Bowdoin in the criminal case.

In a July email attributed to Bowdoin, recipients were advised that Bowdoin had “hired” Steward “and his company Global Online Success Inc.” to create the “Online Fundraising System for my Legal Defense Fund.”

Bowdoin did not say whether he was paying Steward for his services. Why ASD members now were receiving emails that advised them to visit the netsuccessinc.com. domain, which appears to be owned by a dissolved Steward company (Net Success Inc.) tied to another Steward company (Millionaire Marketing International) that has a familial relationship with another dissolved Steward company (Millioniare Marketing Inc.), was not immediately clear.

Potentially adding another layer of confusion in Bowdoin’s fundraising bid are these words that appeared in the “blast” email that asked prospects to visit the netsuccessinc.com domain:

“You can contact us by snail mail at 2533 N. Carson St., Suite 3167, Carson City, NV 89706.”

Why a company whose Florida registration was dissolved listed a snail-mail address in Nevada was not immediately clear.

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12 Responses to “UPDATE: AdSurfDaily ‘Blast’ Apparently Has Begun; PP Blog Has Received Complaints From Members Who Say They Never Agreed To Receive A Fundraising Email; One Member May Be A Witness For The Government In The ASD Ponzi Case”

  1. “You can contact us by snail mail at 2533 N. Carson St., Suite 3167, Carson City, NV 89706”

    That address leads to “Xplosive Marketing” and “Partner With Josh.com” a business which claims:

    “My Name is Josh Bradley and I’ve been making a full time living from Internet Marketing for the past 8 years. During this time my company has helped 100’s of home based entrepreneurs create well over 500,000 targeted leads to build their businesses. Now I’m expanding to help small businesses like yours get more customers using the power of the Internet”


  2. It amazes me that Tari and Andy actually thought that this “Blast email” fundraiser program would be well received.

  3. That address also matches up with 2009 spam from bigcashcreator.com, and a phone number which led me to this: http://explosivegenealogyleads.com/gifting_lists.html

    Yup. Cash gifting. Times 7.

  4. I can hardly wait for the Facebook Page.. LOL

  5. Just received another email so that makes two in 24 hours and well after I asked to be taken off of their spam list. I guess the Ad packs I sent him were not worth as much as he originally claimed.

    Perhaps we will get lucky and they will re-arrest him for violating his release since he is not suppose to contact anyone that…..well, I’ll not say anymore on the subject.

    enough is enough…

  6. This is really going to get interesting, and when the fireworks will begin, is when Andy does not come close to getting the money he says he needs for his defense lawyers. I can’t wait to see the video he does when this happens. I am expecting Andy to appear with tears in his eyes telling everyone how God has called him to do this, and he doesn’t understand why they are not helping.

    Of course the pitch will be this is the only way any ASD member will get their money back, yada, yada, yada. Only one problem Andy, this is a criminal trial, and no matter what the outcome is, it has nothing to do with anyone getting their money back. That issue has already been settled in the civil portion and to which you gave it up. But then why bother with the truth when you believe you can continue to con your members out of their hard earned money?

    I only hope the members realize that no matter what happens in this criminal trial, it has nothing to do with them getting their money back. That is being handled by Rust Consulting.

    Which brings up whatever happened to Dwight and Todd’s filing their lawsuit to get the members money back as they claimed? Can we say they raised money under false pretences? So much for Dwight’s legal knowledge.

    I am just sick of all the people who have preyed on the gullibility of the ASD Members, and who stole their money claiming they were the only ones who could get their money back. And yes, I am also talking about you Robert Guenther and your sham ASDMBA Trust, that was not a trust. You are no better than Andy Bowdoin. I hope the feds come after you too.

    I feel for the people who have fallen for this sham of giving Andy money for his legal defense fund. Let him pay his own lawyers. After all he claimed he was this money magnet, then let him use all of his own money that he magnitized to himself.

    I just hope many complaints of being spammed are filed, and the feds fine him for these E-mail blasts. Hopefully the fine will be greater than the amount of money he receives. Talk about poetic justice.

  7. I second that!

    The Robert Guenthers and the Larry Friedmans of this world are the real scumbags who like you said prey on the gullible. Unfortunately, we are dealing with a Government that could care less about the Roberts and Larrys of this world.

    Hell look at Rick Perry the Governor of Texas who is going to run for President and will make all kinds of claims about how he is most qualified since he did so much for Texans. Perhaps some one should ask him about the rouge Lawyers and Judges he failed to take action against when notified or about the scamming Lawyer who made false claims and promises and collected 200,000.00 and did nothing. May ole Rick will make his buddy Robert G his running partner (since they are such good friends)and they can run a look alike ASD from the Whitehouse.

    By the way where is that scumbag Robert G?

  8. I can hardly wait to see what the judge says about this website at sentencing. It will be very hard for your friend Andy to claim remorse. I predict two upward enhancements of the sentence because not only is he not sorry for stealing money but actually tried to get more from the victims.

  9. DL: I can hardly wait to see what the judge says about this website at sentencing.It will be very hard for your friend Andy to claim remorse.I predict two upward enhancements of the sentence because not only is he not sorry for stealing money but actually tried to get more from the victims.

    Now THAT sounds like an excellent prediction. Hope we get to see it put into practice.

  10. DL: I can hardly wait to see what the judge says about this website at sentencing.It will be very hard for your friend Andy to claim remorse.I predict two upward enhancements of the sentence because not only is he not sorry for stealing money but actually tried to get more from the victims.

    I really can’t imagine anything that happens from here on in is going to make any sort of practical difference to the eventual outcome.

    Bowdoin has been caught dead to rights.

    An increase in sentence will mean what, in real terms ?

    He and they might as well throw caution to the wind and roll the dice.

    As “interesting” as the past months have been and for all the countless column inches filled, things are progressing EXACTLY as predicted.

    Rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic.

  11. Quick note: Have received a couple more reports today from ASD members who received a “blast” email.


  12. People, you are right about any sentence for Andy being a life sentence at his age. However, if the sentence is enhanced because he doesn’t care, he may not find himself in a country club facility. That is essentially what happened to Madoff.