UPDATE: Club Asteria, Cherry Shares, ‘JustBeenPaid’ Promoter ’10BucksUp’ Falsely Claims PP Blog Posts As ‘ISPY’ On MoneyMakerGroup Ponzi Forum; HYIP Apologist Taunts U.S. Law Enforcement In Bizarre Post
The bizarre descent into chaos of a failing “program” that claimed to be moving to “offshore” servers and once made its participants swear they were not government spies or media lackeys has gotten stranger yet.
Poster “10BucksUp,” who’s now flogging the JustBeenPaid “program,” falsely claimed on the MoneyMakerGroup Ponzi forum today that the PP Blog posts on MoneyMakerGroup as “ISPY” and published a link to the Blog on the forum to discredit him.
The PP Blog is not “ISPY” and does not post on MoneyMakerGroup under any identity. Nor does the Blog communicate with “ISPY” in any fashion, know his (or her) identity or encourage “ISPY” directly or indirectly to post links to the Blog. The Blog has never encouraged any member of MoneyMakerGroup — or any other Ponzi scheme forum — to post links to the Blog.
It is somewhat common for posters on Ponzi boards, including so-called “naysayers,” to post links to the Blog’s coverage of schemes-in-progress or schemes gone bust. It also is somewhat common for Ponzi board promoters to exhibit paranoia about the Blog’s reporting and even claim the Blog is part of a U.S. government operation.
Prior to asserting that “ISPY” was the PP Blog, “10BucksUp” accused ISPY of threatening him. ISPY denied threatening “10BucksUp.”
“10BucksUp” rose to Ponzi forum prominence as a pitchman and apologist for ClubAsteria, which became the subject of a probe by the Italian securities regulator CONSOB in May, had its PayPal account frozen, slashed weekly payouts to members and then eliminated the payouts.
Meanwhile, “10BucksUp” also acknowledged today that he was a member of the collapsed Cherry Shares HYIP. In June, Cherry Shares was referenced in freeze and trade orders brought by The Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), the securities regulator for the province of Quebec in Canada.
The acknowledgement by “10BucksUp” of his Cherry Shares involvement means that he was participating in a second “program” that had come under government scrutiny — but nevertheless plowed headlong into JustBeenPaid.
Earlier this month, “10BucksUp” advised members of JustBeenPaid that late-entry members were engaging in hurtful and “drastic measures” if they filed disputes with AlertPay. Among other things, JustBeenPaid has asserted it is a “private association.”
The AdViewGlobal (AVG) autosurf made the same claim prior to its collapse in June 2009. AVG was one of the so-called AdSurfDaily clones — each of which launched (and collapsed) after the August 2008 seizure by the U.S. Secret Service of tens of millions of dollars in a Ponzi scheme investigation.
Today’s false MoneyMakerGroup claims about the PP Blog also occurred against the backdrop of a securities fraud case brought by the SEC against Jody Dunn, an alleged pitchman for Imperia Invest IBC. Imperia Invest also was promoted on MoneyMakerGroup and TalkGold, and the SEC charged that Dunn had promoted it blindly and relied on claims made by the purported opportunity, rather than conducting any actual due diligence.
Millions of dollars directed at Imperia Invest went missing, the SEC charged.
“You want to arrest me? [G]o ahead,” 10BucksUp wrote on MoneyMakerGroup today. “Send a Secret Service/US Seal/intergalactic commando force in my little 3rd world village. Afterall, that is what some Americans think of us right? We all should live under your whims, at what you dictate as legal and not illegal. And then when somebody else invoke that ‘power’ against you, you cry ‘dont tread on me’ or ‘taxed enough already[.”]
“Go ahead with your crusade, Mr ISPY/Patrick Pretty/Twerp,” 10BuckUp continued. “Clean up the world of garbages like us. There are millions of us. I hope you can finish up in your lifetime.”
10BucksUp did not say whether he believed U.S. and other world citizens unwise to the ways of the Ponzi pitchman should simply remain silent after they recognize they’ve been scammed and permit fraudsters to steal their money. Nor did he say whether he believed the U.S. government was making a mistake in prosecuting fraudsters who have disappeared with tens of millions of dollars in recent cases such as Legisi and Pathway to Prosperity — in an era of terrorism and economic uncertainty.
The combined haul of the Legisi, Pathway to Prosperity and ASD “opportunities” was about $250 million, according to court filings. Separately, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) said last year that Genius Funds, a collapsed HYIP, had gathered $400 million.
Like Club Asteria, JustBeenPaid and Cherry Shares, Legisi, Pathway To Prosperity, ASD, AVG and Genius Funds were promoted on the Ponzi boards.
FINRA specifically warned last year that HYIP fraud schemes spread on the Internet through social media and forums.
“10BucksUp” said today that he used a “a free, blogger blog” to promote Club Asteria. Blogger is part of Google’s Blogspot platform.
“Now everybody knows ISPY = Patrick Pretty,” 10BucksUp falsely asserted today.
MoneyMakerGroup and TalkGold are referenced in U.S. federal court filings as places from which Ponzi and fraud schemes are promoted.
Quick note: Readers may find value in this post and comments thread:
Also, this one:
Are you sure that 10bucksup is not Bob “The Mouth” Guenther as it sure sounds like him.
ISpy is almost certainly “Sydney” the Kent Black mod who led the cheerleaders for Nickers Smirnow. She used to post in MCF as ISpy4U.
ISpy4U vanished from cyberspace and returned to MMG as ISpy. The thing that made me confident that they are one and the same was a hilarious post on MMG that ISpy (probably Sydney) had finally decided that she could no longer support her erstwhile associate and puppy dog, the Mutt, who owns the rehashed MCFs. The Sydney writing style is inimitable but she and Mutt were always in cahoots and probably still are.
The duo were appointed as the support staff for CashX and I published some comment about Terry the Banker and the terrible twins who behind it . Unfortunately I used another word for Terry the Banker which started with a W so they computerised censors may have deleted my posts.
Hello Judy are you Blondie on MMG ponzi forum?!
You guys have too much time on your hand. Trolling around forums, arguing with people who lives thousands of miles from your dear USA, preaching about ponzi schemes when your country is collapsing because of ponzi schemes. Those people live in slums. You live in airconditioned homes. You think you are better? Well fix your economy first before you even dare spat with poor 3rd world people who have nothing to lose!
The U.S.A. is dear to me. I’m thinking you’d say the same thing about your own country.
If a country can collapse from Ponzi schemes, why are you playing them?
What are you saying? That Ponzi schemes are the solution for people who live in slums? That an air conditioner is in their future if they continue to play Ponzi schemes and recruit people into Ponzi schemes?
BTW, not all Americans live in air-conditioned homes. More than 46 million Americans — about one in six — live in poverty.
It’s not a question of “being better”; it’s a question of not being worse. Ponzi = Pain. The “winners” create a huge pool of “losers.”
The U.S. economy has proven hard to “fix.” And “poor 3rd world people” have EVERYTHING to lose — not that the poor and even the well-to-do in America do not in a Ponzi economy.
Final note: People from third-world countries or virtually ANY country can reach into America and separate Americans from their money in Ponzi schemes. All of the Ponzi apologists and wink-nodders on TalkGold and MoneyMakerGroup — “10BucksUp,” “Ken Russo” and “manolo,” for example — cannot change that simple fact.
What’s your next argument? That Ponzi schemes represent freedom of choice in the marketplace and that governments that prosecute Ponzi schemers are evil?
Should members of the group below have the same freedom of choice you appear to be arguing for?
What might they do with their Ponzi money?
Quote Admin —
“BTW, not all Americans live in air-conditioned homes. More than 46 million Americans — about one in six — live in poverty”
Poverty as defined by our current government is pure B.S. Of those supposed 46 million in poverty, 80% have air conditioning, at least one car, computers, video games, tv’s etc. (look it up)
You want to see real poverty as I have in my 20 years of travel? (over 100 countries) Start in India, because until you have been there, you have not seen ‘poverty’.
I appreciate your arguments, but our ‘poor’ are middle class and above everywhere else on Earth.
Keep up the good work, and down with Ponzi schemes!
Here is a link for some interesting reading on the ‘poor’ in America. Go to the Heritage Foundation for more info.
Perhaps you’d like to explain what you mean by “nothing to lose”
Are you saying that “poor 3rd world people” all know they’re playing ponzi games ??
Not one of them has been tricked into believing he/she has finally found a way to escape the poverty trap ??
Do the ponzis you play have special refund policies for those who truly believe they’re “investing” ??
It is impossible to take anything that 10Bucksup posts seriously. He also claimed that he and Ispy had sparred on Talkgold over Club Asteria, when in fact Ispy has never posted on Talkgold!’Nuff said!
Similar to Bowdoin, he forgot what lie he told.