Bogus Magazine Cover Depicts Alleged Ponzi Schemer Charles Scoville Of Traffic Monsoon As 2016’s Best CEO

DISCLOSURE: The PP Blog is a Google publisher. A bogus cover of Forbes magazine circulating on Facebook depicts SEC Ponzi defendant Charles Scoville of Traffic Monsoon as the “BEST” CEO of 2016 — all while misspelling his last name. The image, which falsely showcases the Forbes’ issue as a “LIMITED EDITION,” appears today on the […]
TELEXFREE: Prosecutors Docket Prospective Witness List And Exhibits Against James Merrill: Understanding The Background

EDITOR’S NOTE: This story, which easily could be titled “What NOT To Do In MLM,” summarizes a few of the witnesses and exhibits the U.S. government may use against TelexFree’s James Merrill when his trial gets under way Oct. 24 in Massachusetts. The background provided below is based on research by the PP Blog. Prosecutors filed their witness/exhibit […]
SINISTER: TrafficPowerline, A Ponzi-Board ‘Program,’ Threatens BehindMLM

“The threat did not explain now a negative review on BehindMLM could be any worse than a fawning sales pitch on MoneyMakerGroup. ‘Programs’ that have appeared on that forum have caused billions of dollars in losses globally.” — PP Blog, Sept. 5, 2016 TrafficPowerline, a “program” whose thread-starter at the MoneyMakerGroup Ponzi forum has more than 4,700 posts, […]
‘TRAFFIC HURRICANE’: Reload Scheme Targets Traffic Monsoon Participants And Tries To Gag Reporters

In the aftermath of the SEC’s Ponzi action against Traffic Monsoon last month, a website styled has gone live and has a sign-up page. Ponzi-friendly Payza and SolidTrustPay are the listed money-movers. There are many items of interest on the Terms page, including exceptionally awkward English syntax and a preemptive bid to gag reporters. […]
Private Attorneys Now Investigating Traffic Monsoon

UPDATED 1:15 P.M. EDT U.S.A. It has happened in previous cases involving alleged violations of federal securities laws, and now it’s happening with Traffic Monsoon. “The Peiffer Rosca Wolf law firm is investigating Traffic Monsoon, LLC and Charles Scoville’s alleged Ponzi scheme on behalf of investors – whom Traffic Monsoon called ‘members,’” the firm said […]
Some Traffic Monsoon Promoters Are Zeek Clawback Defendants

UPDATED 11:51 A.M. EDT U.S.A. Zeek Rewards’ receiver Kenneth D. Bell had no comment this morning on reports that some Zeek clawback defendants also were participants in Traffic Monsoon, alleged last week by the SEC to have been a Ponzi scheme that had gathered at least $207 million. The reports appeared on In March […]
TRAFFIC MONSOON: Whack-A-Mole — For Sure

News came early this morning that the SEC had moved against Traffic Monsoon, calling it a Ponzi scheme. Both the “program” and alleged operator Charles Scoville were charged civilly yesterday in Utah federal court with securities fraud and selling unregistered securities to unaccredited investors. Scoville also was the braintrust behind AdHitProfits, a Ponzi-board “program” in part […]
REPORT: SEC Moves Against ‘TrafficMonsoon,’ Calls It A Ponzi

The SEC has filed a lawsuit against the Traffic Monsoon “program” and called it a Ponzi scheme that had gathered $207 million, the Salt Lake Tribune is reporting. The assets of Traffic Monsoon and alleged operator Charles Scoville have been frozen, the newspaper reports. On June 1, the PP Blog reported that Payza — a payment […]
Baton Rouge Cop-Killer Was ‘Sovereign Citizen’ And ‘Moor’ — And Also Claimed To Have Been In Dallas
Gavin Eugene Long, the alleged mass murderer of police officers in Baton Rouge yesterday, was a “sovereign citizen” and “MOOR,” according to a bizarre filing in his name last year with the recorder of deeds in Jackson County, Mo. The news of the filing appeared in the Kansas City Star. Here is a copy of […]
Grand Jury Was Meeting When Some Zeekers Waged Misinformation Campaign; Prosecutors Question Veracity Of Burks’ ‘Handwritten Notebooks’

New filings by federal prosecutors in the criminal case against Zeek’s Paul Burks reveal that a grand-jury investigation was under way within days of the SEC’s Aug. 17, 2012, shutdown of the “program” and confirmation by the U.S. Secret Service that it also was investigating Zeek. Burks was subpoenaed by the grand jury on Aug. […]
FEDS: Having Pocketed $11 Million In 2011, Burks Plowed Forward With Zeek, Despite Knowledge Of AdSurfDaily Ponzi Case

“Rather, [Andy] Bowdoin manufactured the revenue numbers to deceive members into believing that they could reasonably expect to receive an average daily return on their investment with [AdSurfDaily] of at least 1%. This percentage in no way corresponded to the daily revenue that ASD was generating, but had been determined by ASD’s operators to be […]