UPDATE: About 8,400 AdSurfDaily Members Will Receive Remissions Payments; Number Of Successful Claimants Exceeds Population Of ASD’s Home Base Of Quincy, Fla.; No Comment From Prosecutors On Curious Facebook Post From Apparent ASD Member

Federal prosecutors had no comment this morning about a Facebook posting from an apparent ASD member who claims to have received victim's compensation but still purportedly backs accused felon Andy Bowdoin. Bowdoin is facing criminal charges of wire fraud, securities fraud and selling unregistered securities.

UPDATE: About 8,400 victims of the AdSurfDaily autosurf are receiving remissions payments of 100 percent of their losses, a source familiar with the process said today.

The PP Blog first reported Thursday that the remissions payments would be 100 percent across the board to ASD victims who demonstrated a loss. On Friday, the Blog received a stream of confirmations from ASD victims that Rust Consulting Inc., the government-approved claims administrator, had deposited the payments into their bank accounts electronically.

Based on court filings, the PP Blog is estimating that about 80 percent of ASD members who filed for remissions by the January 2011 deadline had their claims approved. The number represents an “overwhelming majority,” the source said last week.

The number of successful remissions petitioners significantly exceeds the population of Quincy, Fla., ASD’s headquarters. Quincy’s population is about 7,000.

The U.S. Secret Service said in August 2008 that ASD President Andy Bowdoin was operating a massive, international Ponzi scheme from Quincy in part by claiming ASD was selling “advertising” that paid “rebates” of 125 percent.

Bowdoin, 76, has been soliciting contributions for his criminal defense for weeks, asking the people he is accused of defrauding to pony up $500,000 to pay for lawyers.

Federal prosecutors had no comment this morning on a Friday post on Bowdoin’s Facebook fundraising site from an apparent ASD member who claimed he’d received crime-victim’s compensation but still was backing Bowdoin.

“I don’t know what happened, but I had posted on here yesterday that the government sent me a letter they would be refunding my ASD money,” the apparent ASD member wrote. “To my surprise and shock, the money IS in my account as of today, all $27,690.00 of it!!!!

“DO NOT THINK THAT I DON’T BACK ANDY, BECAUSE I STILL DO!!!!” the apparent member exclaimed. “I want ASD BACK, I want Andy and ASD EXONERATED, and I want the government to PAY PAY PAY for what they did and for MISUSE of The Patriate Act (sic), which ironically they used in the most UNPATRIOTIC way seemingly possible!”

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27 Responses to “UPDATE: About 8,400 AdSurfDaily Members Will Receive Remissions Payments; Number Of Successful Claimants Exceeds Population Of ASD’s Home Base Of Quincy, Fla.; No Comment From Prosecutors On Curious Facebook Post From Apparent ASD Member”

  1. It still amazes me that ASD cheerleaders and supporters claim that ASD’s legal problems are because of the Patriot Act and/or Admiralty Law.

  2. Can we spell “two-faced”, kiddies? Is anyone taking any bets on whether this guy will donate part of his remission to Andy’s defense fund? I am also curious about the strange number, i.e. $27690…!

  3. Now, wasn’t there allegedly 200,000 members? I find it hard to believe that only less that 10% requested or are getting refunds

    And yes laidback, an odd number indeed.

  4. Whip

    ASD really only had less than 100,000 members and probably more like 75,000. Many of these people paid cash and have no way to prove otherwise especially since ole Andy did not keep accurate records.

    The Government made no real effort to locate many of the victims other than thru email and as you should know many of the victims did not use real email address’s. Some did not even own computers. The Government should have taken some of the money and advertised on radio,TV and major newspapers. Its not like they do not have the money. They also know by what little records were kept in what areas and cities most of the victims lived and could have just done it in those areas to notify people.

  5. The seized ASD database contained 97,000 name, including the names of “free” members.

    See this January 2011 story for more details:


  6. Jack Arons: The Government made no real effort to locate many of the victims other than thru email and as you should know many of the victims did not use real email address’s. Some did not even own computers. The Government should have taken some of the money and advertised on radio,TV and major newspapers. Its not like they do not have the money. They also know by what little records were kept in what areas and cities most of the victims lived and could have just done it in those areas to notify people.

    Back in 2008 the evilgovernment seized about $80Mil, and later seized some properties. At the moment about $54Mil has been released to pay back the “victims”. It is possible that the current round of payouts are to those who can demonstrate a loss most easily. It is possible that further payouts to those who are harder to find will be made when the properties etc. have been sold.

    I wonder how many numpties will send the money they get straight back to “Andy’s Army”? I would not be surprised to see his “war chest” get an influx of cash soon.

  7. Tony H: I wonder how many numpties will send the money they get straight back to “Andy’s Army”? I would not be surprised to see his “war chest” get an influx of cash soon.

    Hi Tony,

    It will be interesting to see if Bowdoin’s fundraising site and his emails report on a sudden infusion of cash. The numbers reported as of last week were miserable, leaving Bowdoin 75 percent short of his $500,000 goal.

    It also will be interesting to see how the wordplay on the fundraising site develops:

    As of Sept. 22, the number was reported in this fashion:

    “Total Funds Raised = Over $24,500”

    One conceivably could mask a sudden infusion through a presentation such as that. “Over $24,500” is pretty open-ended. I am thinking that the numbers reported as of last week are at least somewhat reliable, given that Bowdoin reported “Over $24,400” on Sept. 12 and only $100 more (“Over $24,500”) 10 days later — on Sept. 22.


  8. I’d like to hope that a few of those dollars get sent to this blog, which never lied to anyone, until recently never asked for a dime and had what turned out to be the best information on how to get their money back.

    But that’s just me.

  9. Gregg: I’d like to hope that a few of those dollars get sent to this blog, which never lied to anyone, until recently never asked for a dime and had what turned out to be the best information on how to get their money back.But that’s just me.

    Totally agree Gregg. There are many here who came here about ASD that would have never filed a complaint form, or applied to RUST Consulting if it had not been for the information provided by Patrick on this blog. I am hoping many of them will make a donation to this blog, not just once but also commit to doing a monthly contribution on an ongoing basis.

    I know you, Patrick Dunn, as well as others have been helping, but come on folks, it only takes 40-50 of us donating just $10/mo to keep this blog alive. That is not asking too much considering the value this blog provides to all of us, and especially to those who are susceptible to falling victims to these Ponzi criminals.

    So please join us and be a part of the 50 to donate monthly. You blow more than this on Starbucks and bottled water a month. Do some good with your money for a change. So please help.

    And no, PatrickPretty did not ask me to say any of this or ask me to ask you for donations. I am sure I have embarrassed him by making this post.

  10. Great post Gregg and very true. There must be many people who would never have seen a red cent and given up om their ASD money years ago, had it not been for Patrick’s blog.

    Excellent idea Lynn that we pay 10$ per month to keep this blog alive – I know it’s hosting is costly due to the many DDOS attacks the scammers have made on it. This way the load is spread, instead of the brunt being taken by those wsho can ill afford it.

    If anyone is interested in keeping cybercrime at bay – a monthly 10$ to this blog would be a step that most people can take. Its readership is vast and it reaches many who would otherwise be in the dark. To lose this blog would be a win for the scammers.

    (Patrick didnt ask me to say anything either and will now probably be cringing with embarassment. lol)

  11. I’m in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I spend more than that on cigs and cat food.

  12. Jack Arons: I’m in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I spend more than that on cigs and cat food.

    made my payment

  13. Jack Arons: I’m in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you, Jack. Much appreciated.


  14. I live on Social Security so my remission of $5K was a welcome sight! I have always been a fan of Patrick’s website and now that I have a few extra dollars I am going to donate……and will continue to support the site! Thanks for what you do Patrick!

  15. Your welcome Patrick and I will continue to donate every fourth Wednesday of the month unless the Government decides to again drain social security. It always amazes me that they seem to lose their check book when it comes to repaying a debt and giving us a cost of living raise (have had none in 5 years).

    Yet if you want a bridge built in your backyard that leads to nowhere or road that makes a Republican or Democrats commute easier they can always find the money.

    We should fire the whole dam bunch and start over from scratch!

  16. I feel sorry for anyone that relies on SS for living expenses. It was not designed that way, and if you failed to plan your finances properly why blame the government for your lack of foresight?

    You got back every penny you put in to SS long ago, and are now living off the backs of current workers. How does it feel to be a leach on society, a parasite living off the labors of others?

  17. Ace, spoken like a true ASD supporter.

  18. Ace Baker: You got back every penny you put in to SS long ago, and are now living off the backs of current workers. How does it feel to be a leach on society, a parasite living off the labors of others?

    Y’know, Ace, with all due respect, you must be a very unhappy person – and somewhat of a fool. Your comment is off-topic and mean-spirited. You have no idea how Jack Aarons came to be in his current financial situation, yet feel at liberty to publicly chastise him.

    Maybe medical issues wiped him out financially. Maybe he gave his money to family members who needed his help to recover from their own financial disaster. Maybe he donated his money to charity, or made investments that turned sour. I’ve seen each of those issues affect people I know, including myself.

    Whatever it is that makes you such a bitter, angry person, I sincerely hope you never find yourself in need.


  19. Arons is a died in the wool liberal and a 9/11 truther. You’d know that if you did some research. He blames Republicans and conservatives for everything that is wrong with this country. He has a serious case of Bush derangement syndrome. Something else you would know had you done even basic research before spouting off.

    I’m pretty happy actually. I live on a lake in the summer and winter down south. That is, when I am not traveling overseas to some of the more than 100 countries on my list of visited places.

    What I am upset about is parasites and leaches that complain about their situation, when they make ALL of the decisions in their life every day. Not prepared for a catastrophic health issue? Whose fault is that? The governments, evil republicans, or YOURS?

    Maybe, maybe, maybe. Sounds like a child’s argument. Maybe you should try if, it might work better for you next time.

    I am not an ASD supporter. Period. Anything else Wiz?

  20. And yes, I meant died, not dyed. Liberals are a pox on this country. How’s Obummo working out so far? Where’s all that ‘hope and change’? Here’s a clue for you: Obummo’s hope has does nothing, inspires no one with a modicum of intelligence and has added more debt in the first 19 months than all Presidents from Washington Through Reagan Combined. Look it up if you feel the urge to do a little research.

    Good day.

  21. I suspect you are wasting your time Patrick Dunn. Some people will always need to make assumptions about what other people think politically and why they are in the situation that they are. Reality might push them out of their comfort zones. lol Bowdoin’s detractors have come from all parts of the political and social spectrum and the vast majority of us are very grateful to all of those people who, through their actions and information, including Jack, who have helped to bring him to justice.

    Equally, government intervention in the ASD affair has taken place under two different political administrations and neither showed any signs of backing off Bowdoin, so politics is hardly an issue in relation to ASD (which was the subject of this article when I last looked)

    As readers of the PP Blog, we are grateful for to all people who help to keep this blog going with their donations and I am sure that Patrick P will appreciate donations from those who live on the lake and winter in the south, just as much as he does those who are now living on more modest incomes.

  22. Ace Baker: Arons is a died in the wool liberal and a 9/11 truther. You’d know that if you did some research. He blames Republicans and conservatives for everything that is wrong with this country. He has a serious case of Bush derangement syndrome. Something else you would know had you done even basic research before spouting off.

    Again, Ace, with all due respect, your statement above relates to the topic of this thread-or this blog-HOW?

    You’re allowed to think what you want-and reveal your character with your foolish words here if you wish. However, in my humble opinion, posting anonymously-and ranting at someone whose personal financial situation you know little or nothing about-is both cowardly and ignorant.

    Tell us your name, as both Jack and I do, and present reasoned arguments. You’ll have a lot more credibility if you do.


  23. Made my donation. Keep up the great work Patrick.

  24. Thank you, Roxy.


  25. I received a letter about getting a refund. I submitted my paper word and I was sent a letter saying that my information did not match their records. $500.00 check that was give to me and I used to upgrade to the next pay level,(at the convention is Illinois a week before the shutdonw) not given back. I gave up. I just hope my other friends were treated better.

  26. Please forgive my poor typing, I have a cut finger and didn’t proofread before I hit “submit” :-)

  27. Dalal,

    There is a 2nd round of remissions scheduled for a month or so from now. If you can get a copy of the check or money order, you could try again. But you will need some form of proof to get anything back.