Rethinking ‘Superman IV’ As GoFunPlaces Pronounced DOA In The USA

gofunplacesUPDATED 4:14 PM EDT (U.S.A.) Superman IV — the last movie (1987) starring Christopher Reeve as the Man of Steel — was not a great flick. It’s remembered principally for Reeve’s starring role, the penury of what the Washington Post described as the “the Golan-Globus conspiracy,” poor special effects — and for something Superman did: Round up all the nuclear weapons on earth, place them in a giant net and heave them into the sun.

Depending on your point of view, the movie delivered either the greatest utopian achievement ever or the storied franchise’s cheesiest moment.

With Ponzi and fraud schemes proliferating online across the planet, could Supe make a difference in 2013 in a different arena — one that would not alienate too large a segment of the audience?

The PP Blog, for one, wouldn’t mind if Superman hurled all the HYIP scams and pretend “revenue-sharing” programs into a boiling sun. He could start with the remaining carcass of GoFunPlaces/GoFunRewards, which is now DOA in the USA, according to BehindMLM.

Reload scams certainly will follow; Supe could boil them, too. And using his high-speed mind index, he could segment the serial scammers (Lex Luthors) from the general population and deliver them to the judge. They are causing real pain to real people.

As things stand in the real, nonutopian world, how GFP/GFR members will get back their money is unknown. If there is a potential plus for folks drawn into MLM’s latest debacle, it’s that the enterprise claims it is “Backed By A 100 Million Dollar Plus Debt Free Company.”

See March 23 PP Blog story on yet another five-alarm fire served up by MLM and some of its purported “leaders.”


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4 Responses to “Rethinking ‘Superman IV’ As GoFunPlaces Pronounced DOA In The USA”

  1. I certainly don’t like the reference to victims as ‘low hanging fruit’ ready to be picked. One to avoid.

  2. John: I certainly don’t like the reference to victims as ‘low hanging fruit’ ready to be picked. One to avoid.

    I take it you’ve seen this, John?

    It’s former OneX/Zeek/GoFunPlaces pitchman T. Lemont Silver pitching folks on the JubiMax scheme.


  3. Yes but not before it appeared here. In any case I haven’t been involved with Gofunplaces or Jubimax. However, seeing these people speaking brings reality to the situation and should make people think twice before they put their money anywhere. I do not always agree with everything you say, but congratulate you on this.

  4. Quick note: Someone spammed a GoFunPlaces Facebook site with an offer for JubiRev.

    Perhaps the individual is following the lead of T. LeMont, who explained in the video (Slot 2 above) that getting GoFunPlaces people into JubiRev is an “act of love.”

    T. LeMont is solidly behind JubiRev now — this after he previously was solidly behind GoFunPlaces — so much so that tears apparently welled in his eyes as he was being “interviewed” by a GoFunPlaces pitchwoman as a man in the background sought to duck out of the camera shot.

    OK. Back to the Slot 2 video and the great stink cloud that shrouds MLM: T. LeMont also may be channeling Zeek/Lyoness huckster Keith Laggos with his talk about Plan B.

    And T. LeMont also may be channeling Profitable Sunrise figure Nanci Jo Frazer, with his talk about the nasty Bloggers out there.

    So, after Zeek, after all the reload scams, after a series of MLM debacles, T. Lemont apparently still elevates boat-sharking over everything else.

    The GoFunPlaces folks out there are “low-hanging fruit,” T. LeMont informs his audience.
