REPORT: Brazilian Judge In TelexFree Case Again Threatened With Death
The judge presiding over elements of the TelexFree pyramid-scheme case in the Brazilian state of Acre again has been threatened with death and a police investigation is under way, according to
Here is the Sept. 12 story in Portuguese. He is an English translation by Google Translate.
It is the second time the judge reportedly has received death threats related to the TelexFree probe. Earlier threats were made in June. (The link in the preceding sentence is to the Google English translation. Here is the Portuguese original from June.)
Despite the unsettling events in Brazil — indeed, a prosecutor also reportedly has been threatened with death — American MLMers continue to flog the purported TelexFree “opportunity.” Some promos claim a payment of $15,125 to TelexFree for the purchase of a “contract” fetches at least $42,075 in a year.
Also see Aug. 4, 2013, PP Blog editorial about a July MLM rah-rah event for TelexFree in California that occurred against the backdrop of reported death threats in Brazil aimed at judicial officers and while multiple pyramid-scheme probes were under way in Brazil.
Meanwhile, see July 8, 2013, PP Blog report that outlines some of the coaching about money flow TelexFree affiliates in the United States have received. (It is very reminiscent of the AdSurfDaily Ponzi scheme, which the U.S. Secret Service broke up in August 2008.)
For more information on TelexFree, use the PP Blog’s search function in the upper-right corner. Type in “TelexFree.”
TelexFree operates in the United States as TelexFree Inc. and TelexFree LLC. It recently claimed also to have a presence in the United Kingdom.
Makes the claims of the pimps of these Ponzi’s that they are “innocent money games,” and “no-one gets hurt” sound a little lame doesn’t it.
Hello Lynn,
The malignant circumstances surrounding TelexFree have reminded me of the infamous World Marketing Direct Selling (WMDS) and OneUniverseOnline (1UOL) cases. They were affinity frauds aimed at Cambodian-Americans. The cases were brought in federal court in Massachusetts.
A little more or WMDS/1UOL here:
And here:
There are many who know exactly what they are getting into and are prepared to take the risk, ponzi or not. These shouldn’t complain if they lose.
If it were only this type involved then the damage would be minimal. Unfortunately, the more ‘successful’ such a program appears over time, the more unsuspecting people get involved.
If anyone is still dumb enough to believe that judges and prosecutors are threatened with death by legitimate businesses, it is time they had a rethink