UPDATE: ‘YouGetPaidFast’ Pitchman Said To Be Casting Net At Unemployment Office For Gifting-Program Leads; Meanwhile, Scheme Takes A Phil Piccolo-Like Turn By Pointing To Alexa Rankings As Supposed Proof Of Legitimacy


YouGetPaidFast, a Texas-based “program” that plants the seed it has the blessing of the FBI, is benefiting from a pitchman who is handing out flyers at an “unemployment office,” according to a post from an apparent naysayer at the MoneyMakerGroup Ponzi forum.

The poster says his friend is the one handing out the flyers — and won’t listen to reason because he is desperate for money.

If the claim is true, it would follow an incendiary circumstance that surfaced in the Women’s Gifting Tables pyramid scheme in Connecticut that resulted in lengthy prison sentences for two pitchwomen.

In the Women’s Gifting Tables scheme, members of Alcoholics Anonymous were targeted, according to the trial testimony reported by the New Haven Register.

Such schemes typically target vulnerable populations. Similar schemes such as HYIP frauds have been known to target people facing mortgage foreclosures and recent job losses.

YouGetPaidFast is operated by Paul Darby, a Texan who claims he is friendly with FBI agents and has them on “speed dial.”

At least one FBI agent has vetted his “program,” Darby has claimed.

Unlike the Women’s Gifting Table scheme, which asked for $5,000 at a time, YouGetPaidFast appears to be seeking the much-smaller sum of $28. Participants reportedly are instructed to mail $7 to each of four names of individuals or entities that appear on a list and advised they are purchasing products.

Gifting and other fraud schemes that assert they sell inexpensive “products” appear somewhat regularly on the Internet. Such an approach is consistent with micro-fraud, a scam by which hucksters gather small sums from participants, rather than seeking large sums. The hope is that the small sums will add up to a large sum over time and investigators will perceive a micro “program” as less toxic than a jugular-vein fraud and won’t bother to look into it.

The JSSTripler/JustBeenPaid HYIP “program” purportedly operated by AdSurfDaily Ponzi pitchman and cash-gifter Frederick Mann was an example of micro fraud. Participants were told that JSS/JBP would give them $10 to get started in the “program.” After payout and other problems developed at JSS/JBP, the “program” started seeking “purchases” of tens of thousands of dollars at a time.

Claims that a “program” sells “products” and that participants make “purchases” long have been associated with bids to mask the true nature of the “program” — a gifting scam or HYIP fraud disguised as a merchant doing legitimate business, for example. Meanwhile, claims that the government or an important politician or business person have vetted or endorsed a “program” are common in the fraud sphere.

An earlier Darby “program” featured a knockoff of the Seal of the President of the United States and suggested that something called Net Millionaires Club was an “economic stimulus package.”

The marketing efforts of Net Millionaires Club were reminiscent of those of the AdSurfDaily Ponzi scheme exposed by the U.S. Secret Service in 2008. (ASD traded on the name of former U.S. President George W. Bush; Darby has traded on the name of President Obama.) In 2010, a Phil Piccolo-linked scam known as Data Network Affiliates planted the seed that it had been endorsed by Oprah Winfrey and Donald Trump.

Meaningless, Bizarre, Piccolo-Like Claims

YouGetPaidFast now screams it is “SETTING RECORDS WORLD WIDE,” pointing to an Alexa traffic ranking and “Video Views by You Tube 30 Days” as purported proof of legitimacy. Despite the claim it is setting records, however, YouGetPaidFast does not appear to specify precisely what records it is setting. Nor does it appear to say precisely what authority had certified the marks as “records.”

Such incongruities litter the cash-gifting and HYIP landscapes, which are lined with the carcasses of collapsed “programs.” Sometimes the “programs” come back with a new name or a name designed to instill new confidence such as XXX Scheme 2.0 XXX Scheme Web 3.0.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) warned in 2010 that fraud schemes were spreading online through social-media sites such as YouTube. A year earlier — in 2009 — the Better Business Bureau reported there were 22,974 cash-gifting videos on YouTube.

Those videos, the BBB said at the time, had garnered an “astounding 59,192,963 views.” (Also see June 2009 report on cash-gifting by KIII-TV. The report includes an interview with an official from the Better Business Bureau of Central Texas.)

Cash-gifting purveyors are “targeting people with some form of an affinity — such as as women’s clubs, community groups, church congregations, social clubs and special interest groups,” the BBB warned four years ago.

On Oct. 8, BehindMLM.com, citing a Darby claim, reported that one or more Christian pastors was encouraging Darby to sue his detractors.

Pointing to Alexa rankings and YouTube videos to sanitize frauds is one of the oldest tricks in the scammer’s playbook in the Information Age. Veteran online huckster Phil Piccolo, known for bizarre schemes such as Data Network Affiliates, OWOW and Text Cash Network,  has been doing it for years.

Piccolo also has planted the seed he’ll sue his critics. In 2010, he planted the seed on Troy Dooly’s radio program that he could bring in leg-breakers if lawsuits didn’t work. Piccolo earlier had threatened to sue Dooly.

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4 Responses to “UPDATE: ‘YouGetPaidFast’ Pitchman Said To Be Casting Net At Unemployment Office For Gifting-Program Leads; Meanwhile, Scheme Takes A Phil Piccolo-Like Turn By Pointing To Alexa Rankings As Supposed Proof Of Legitimacy”

  1. Better living global marketing / bidders Paradise
    Trying to use same ALEXA rankings as proof of legitimacy. Piccolo style.

  2. Sorry that it is slightly off-topic , but you mentioned
    JSS/JBP/ProfitClicking “free $10 to try” here.

    It was a psychological trap to get victims, maximum those $10 could grow up to
    was $15 and minimum amount of withdrawal from the program was $20

    Not many understood that they can not get anything out of those $10 unless they deposit more fresh money, and staring every day how those $10 grow was giving
    a taste and dreams.

  3. Honor and Integrity; once you lose that, you lose everything.

    I was the number 5 enroller in Yougetpaidfast before my account was shut down.

    I honestly don’t feel that the programs (Yougetpaidfast) or MyNewinternetbusiness are scams, but rather the person behind the programs, and that person being Paul Darby.

    This is not a defamatory post again Paul Darby at all, Just Google his name and you will find 1000?s of complaints written about and against him. A leopard can’t change his spots.

    The first sign that I knew something was shady about Yougetpaidfast, was the launch of the “international” platform that Paul Darby was calling “Mynewinternetbusiness”.

    Paul Darby held a conference call where he announced that only small group would be able to participate in the soft launch for Mynewinternetbusiness. He allowed 28 people to join the soft launch, of those 28 people, 14 were not his personal referrals but yet all 28 had to send him $100 to participate. He told everyone on the conference call that the 14 people, who were not direct to Paul Darby, would be moved back to their original sponsor.

    Now here is where it starts to get shady. On another conference call he tells everyone that he can’t move the 14 people back under their original sponsor. Now since we don’t know who these 14 were, we really don’t know how many Yougetpaidfast members they had.

    It gets better. Now Paul Darby told everyone on the call that the “system” will not allow him to move the 14 people back, yet he was able to take my entire downline and move them.
    Wait it gets even better. After the soft launch was complete, Paul Darby opened up the Mynewinternetbusiness for all current Yougetpaidfast members to join before going public.

    But get this, he inserted 2 links in every yougetpaidfast members back office. 1 link being each members direct sponsor and the other being a direct link to the company (Paul Darby’s) link.

    He sent out email blast telling everyone that if they didn’t join mynewinternetbusiness within 48 hours they would “lose everything”.

    From the time that I was able to join mynewinternetbusiness and for my link to work took 3 days. It took each person’s link for Mynewinternetbusiness 3 days to activate. Keep in mind he put 2 links in the back office for every yougetpaidfast member to click on, one being his (which was active) and direct sponsors links which took 3 days to get activated. But yet he was telling everyone they had to join or lose everything. Personally I had 7 that got scared and joined Paul Directly.

    About 3 weeks ago, my passwords were being changed for both my yougetpaidfast account and my MNIB account. Paul Darby or someone changed my passwords to “[deleted by PP Blog]” I would go in and change them to something different, thinking there is probably a good explanation. But today Paul Darby deleted my accounts and moved my downline.

    The truth is most of the people who join Yougetpaidfast are brand new to internet marketing and don’t know any better. And I was the only seasoned marketer that would call Paul Darby out on the shady stuff, so I guess he felt it was necessary to delete my accounts.

    Now the brutal truth is I was number 5, but I barely made a little over $200. Paul Darby portrays the program as if people were getting rich.

    One last thing, when the program yougetpaidfast initially launched, one of my personal referrals was having a very difficult time and asked for a refund of his $28 dollars. I and my upline gave him back his $28 dollars, but Paul Darby on a conference call tells everyone that he refunded the money.

    Here is my advice to you on anything Paul Darby is behind, trust your gut… because in 2008 Yougetpaidfast was a different program then it is today, so I ask you what happen to all those people?