Baton Rouge Cop-Killer Was ‘Sovereign Citizen’ And ‘Moor’ — And Also Claimed To Have Been In Dallas
Gavin Eugene Long, the alleged mass murderer of police officers in Baton Rouge yesterday, was a “sovereign citizen” and “MOOR,” according to a bizarre filing in his name last year with the recorder of deeds in Jackson County, Mo. The news of the filing appeared in the Kansas City Star. Here is a copy of […]
Launch Of Murky BitClub Network ‘Program’ Appears To Be Under Way

Much remains murky about BitClub Network, a Bitcoin-themed “program” that in typical HYIP fashion missed at least three advertised launch dates earlier this month. The launch, however, now appears to have gotten under way shortly after “2 p.m. EST” today, a possible indicator that the “program” is using Panama time. One promo the PP Blog […]
Purported ‘Sovereign Citizen’ Who Bizarrely Claimed His Authority Came From ‘The Vatican’ Convicted Of Issuing Bogus Diplomatic Credentials

EDITOR’S NOTE: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) are referenced in the story about purported “sovereign citizen” James T. McBride below. ICE/HSI also are involved in the investigation of the alleged TelexFree Ponzi- and pyramid scheme. Whether TelexFree had any “sovereign citizens” in its ranks is unclear. “Sovereign citizens,” however, […]
Quatloos Mod,, PP Blog Targeted In Bizarre Hectoring Campaign

(3RD UPDATE 2:43 P.M. EDT U.S.A.) wserra, an attorney, Quatloos moderator and occasional poster on the PPBlog and, appears recently to have been targeted by a crackpot who desires to hector wserra with complaints to the bar association. Among other things, Quatloos publishes information on the bizarre undertakings of “sovereign citizens” in the United […]
REPORT: Woman Survives TelexFree-Related Death Plunge

A woman who borrowed money to join the TelexFree MLM “program” leaped from the fifth floor of a parking garage at the Manaíra Mall, a Brazilian news portal is reporting., based in the Brazilian state of Paraíba, reported yesterday that the woman was injured critically, but survived the plunge. She is being treated at […]
UPDATE: ‘YouGetPaidFast’ Pitchman Said To Be Casting Net At Unemployment Office For Gifting-Program Leads; Meanwhile, Scheme Takes A Phil Piccolo-Like Turn By Pointing To Alexa Rankings As Supposed Proof Of Legitimacy

YouGetPaidFast, a Texas-based “program” that plants the seed it has the blessing of the FBI, is benefiting from a pitchman who is handing out flyers at an “unemployment office,” according to a post from an apparent naysayer at the MoneyMakerGroup Ponzi forum. The poster says his friend is the one handing out the flyers — […]
United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority Issues Warning On SolidTrustPay, An HYIP Darling On The Ponzi Boards

UPDATED 3:33 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) Thanks to PP Blog reader “Tony,” who first posted a link to the FCA warning in this story thread on how a Profitable Sunrise Facebook site was being used to promote TelexFree, an alleged pyramid scheme. In April 2013, the SEC described Profitable Sunrise as a murky offering fraud that […]
HourlyRevShare, Another ‘Ken Russo’ Ponzi-Board ‘Program,’ Reportedly DOA

HourlyRevShare, another in a long list of incongruous HYIP Ponzi-board “programs” pushed by serial huckster “Ken Russo” (also known as “DRdave”), reportedly has collapsed after taking a second bite of the Ponzi apple (purportedly as HRS II) after the original iteration collapsed. Other recent “programs” pushed by “Ken Russo” include Zeek Rewards and Profitable Sunrise, […]
REPORTS: TelexFree Blocks Members’ Access To Back Offices, Claims Hacking Attempts

UPDATED 6:23 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) There are at least three reports in Brazilian media today that say TelexFree has blocked members’ access to their back offices. A company attorney said the blockages were necessary because hackers had attempted an intrusion, according to reports in Portuguese translated to English by Google Translate. Here is a link […]
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: Ohio Calls Nanci Jo Frazer’s Focus Up Ministries ‘Front’ For Profitable Sunrise HYIP Fraud Scheme; State Says It Believes Frazer Was An AdSurfDaily Pitchwoman With History Of Promoting Fraud Schemes Such As Zeek Rewards And Profit Clicking

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: (Fourth update 9:10 p.m. EDT U.S.A.) In court papers, the state of Ohio has called Nanci Jo Frazer’s Focus Up Ministries a “front” for the Profitable Sunrise HYIP scheme and alleges that Focus Up changed its name to Defining Vision Ministries Inc. in June 2013 — two months after the […]
HYIP Spammer Hits Profitable Sunrise Facebook Site With Drive-By Offers For ‘AdHitProfits,’ A Ponzi-Board ‘Program’ Whose Thread-Opener Bragged, ‘Payza, STP & Liberty Reserve Accepted !!’

UPDATED 5:41 P.M. EDT (U.S.A.) A spammer hit a Profitable Sunrise Facebook site yesterday with five drive-by offers for “AdHitProfits.” All five of the machine-gunned theft bids claimed the same thing: “make money every half an hour…100% commission let your money grow for you at high speed.” The AHP “program” also is being pitched on […]