Extraordinary Drama Plays Out In France As Police Seek Gunman Or Gunmen Who Opened Fire Inside Libération Newspaper Building And Outside Societe Generale Tower; Libération Also Reportedly Hit By DDoS Attack

liberationdeniUPDATED 9:02 P.M. ET (NOV. 20, U.S.A.) There has been an arrest in the alleged shootings. The suspect has been identified by Reuters as Abdelhakim Dekhar. The PP Blog’s original story is below . . .

An extraordinary drama is playing out in Paris today, as French police search for a gunman or gunmen who allegedly shot a person inside the office of the Left-leaning Libération newspaper and opened fire outside the Societe Generale banking concern in Paris.

“Police are being sent to the offices of all national French newspapers, Interior Minister Manuel Valls announced,” CNN reported.

“French media say the suspect told the motorist he hijacked that he was armed with grenades,” the BBC is reporting.

Adding tension to the unfolding drama, DDoSers apparently hit the Libération website today. Service has been restored.

Whether the asserted DDoS attack somehow was related to the shooting incidents was not immediately clear.

Cyber analysts long have speculated about the possibility of a perfect storm of events — violence tied to political beliefs or political extremism with an accompanying cyber attack on media, banking or government sites, for  instance.

French prosecutors are treating the shooting incidents as a terrorist case, the Wall Street Journal is reporting.


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5 Responses to “Extraordinary Drama Plays Out In France As Police Seek Gunman Or Gunmen Who Opened Fire Inside Libération Newspaper Building And Outside Societe Generale Tower; Libération Also Reportedly Hit By DDoS Attack”

  1. This is video from BFMTV of a man there with a gun on Friday. The New York Times (The Lede Blog) is reporting that police are proceeding on the theory that today’s gunman in Paris also was Friday’s gunman.

    Link to NTY “The Lede”:


  2. France24 is reporting the arrest of a suspect: Abdelhakim Dekhar

