TOMORROW (DEC. 17) AT THE ZEEK AUCTION: Branded Ponzi History Up For Bid: Coffee Mugs, Water Bottles, Key Chains, Refrigerator Magnets — And Plaques Of Network Marketing Business Journal Puff Pieces
It won’t be quite like buying Bonnie and Clyde’s fateful getaway car, but it still will represent a purchase of American crime or fraud history. In Lexington, N.C., tomorrow — on the second and final day of the court-approved Zeek Rewards auction — pieces of MLM Ponzi-scheme history will be put up for bid.
And in Zeek’s case, it’s branded history: cases of water bottles with branding, cases of coffee mugs with ZeekRewards branding, cases of key chains with Zeekler branding, cases of refrigerator magnets with Zeekler branding.
The taglines on the Zeek coffee mugs read, “save money — make money.”
Auctioneers also have put something called the “Zeek-Israel Jerusalem Trophy” up for bid.
Also on the auction list are plaques of Zeek puff pieces that appeared in the July-August 2011 edition of Network Marketing Business Journal. Here’s the headline: “Record savings, record earnings with Zeekler’s entertainment shopping experience.”
NMBJ is published by Keith Laggos, a touting defendant in a 2004 SEC case who later became a figure in both the Zeek Ponzi-scheme story and the AdSurfDaily Ponzi story.
About a year after the July-August 2011 NMBJ article appeared, the SEC alleged that Zeek was a $600 million Ponzi and pyramid fraud. ASD was a $119 million Ponzi scheme exposed by the U.S. Secret Service in 2008.
Plenty of gift cards, furniture, computer equipment and other items linked to Zeek also are up for bid tomorrow.
In terms of the number of victims — somewhere on the order of 800,000 — Zeek is believed to be the largest Ponzi scheme in U.S. history. Kenneth D. Bell is the court-appointed receiver.
See PP Blog story from earlier today on Day 1 of the Zeek auction.
The Day 2 auction begins at 9 a.m. ET tomorrow, Dec. 17, 2013.
I can’t wait as I want a coffee mug to sit on my desk and every time some scammer posts what a great and honest admim so and so is, I will look at the coffee mug ( I am naming the mug ken the pimp/Drdave/russo) and say “salute” to the mug!
Sadly, you have to buy a case of coffee mugs… I do not need one that much.
Well, I for one will be really disappointed if Ken Russo does not purchase a case of coffee mugs, refrigerator magnets, and key chains. After all he told everyone what a great, honest, and caring admin Paul Burks was, and also how Zeek was one of the greatest programs he had ever seen. It is only fitting that he buys a case of coffee mugs, key chains and magnets for old times sake.
But then Ken says that about all the Ponzi’s and illegal cash gifting pyramid schemes he promotes.
Today’s auction is under way. First item up was a Breakfast Table and Four Chairs. It appears to have sold for $300.
Bassett Bedroom Suite just appears to have sold for $750.
Hooker Bedroom Suite appears to have sold for $950.
First of the computers up for sale. Auctioneer pointed out that the government probably removed some of the hard drives.
Case of Leed’s Water Bottles (60 count) with labeling just sold for $11. Another case sold for $10. XX number of cases left. Looks as though they won’t fetch much.
ZeekRewards coffee mugs up now in 24-count cases: Appear to be selling for about $22.50/case, with smaller-count cases going for less.
Zeeker key chains (1,000-count cases) appear to have fetched between $15 to $20 a case. The fridge magnets (500-count cases) appear to have fetched $5 to $7.50/case.
The two Network Marketing Business Journal plaques with the puff pieces fared a little better. They appear to have gone for $50 to $60.
The “Zeek-Israel Jerusalem Trophy” appears to have sold for $50. I’m speculating that it was a Zeek upline promo of some sort.
Zeek purportedly had entered at least 100 countries.
Zeek was so hot in Burlington, N.C., the lady who was peddling Zeek charged $5.00 just to get in and if you didn’t come early for the Zeek pitch you could not get in because of the overflowing crowds. The lady had been in Ponzi schemes before and was making mega bucks. So the people gave her five bucks to get in the door, she had prayer before the Zeek pitch and then slit their throats. The victims were like innocent sheep in early Biblical times. The Zeek lady, who sings in the church choir just down the street from her Zeek office, told about what wonderful Christians the Zeek operators were. If anyone could be trusted these people could be trusted. Now the Zeek lady still sings in the choir, has a lawyer and does not know who Ron Bell is so she claims. Hopefully, shortly she will become acquainted with Ron Bell.
If anyone buys a case of coffee mugs and wants to sell me a couple of them I’ll gladly pay the shipping to Australia….
Okosh, some individual bought 6 full cases of coffee mugs; I think we may see them offered soon….
The auction made the news:
Looks like some recorded the TV on a camera-phone, sound isn’t good quality.