BULLETIN: Achieve Community Says It Has Suspended Sign-Ups, Repurchases

achievesignupsuspensionBULLETIN: (7th Update 1:52 p.m. ET Jan. 7 U.S.A.) The Achieve Community says it has suspended “sign ups” and “repurchases” through iPayDNA, a credit-card processor based in Asia.

PP Blog reader “Secwatchin” first reported the news at 2:44 p.m. ET today. The Blog confirmed that orders for “positions” could not be placed by visiting the ReadyToAchieve website, clicking on the “Sign Up” tab and clicking again on a “Join Now!” button. The message we received is reproduced in the graphic at the top of this story.

Colorado-based Achieve co-founder Kristi Johnson reportedly advised Achieve members that its “merchant” — iPayDNA — needed to “get caught up.”

Why iPayDNA purportedly had fallen behind in processing credit-card transactions wasn’t explained.

On Jan. 4, Johnson announced to Achieve members that Global Cash Card, which Achieve had claimed to be its new “payout” processor, “is not going to work with us after all.” On Dec. 18, Achieve had positioned its relationship with U.S.-based GCC as a done deal.

Why Achieve, a money-cycling “program” operating in the United States with a presence on well-known Ponzi-scheme forums, needed separate vendors to process “money in” and “money out” transactions has not been explained.

Here is what Johnson reportedly told members today (italics/carriage returns added):

Hello Achieve Community!

We are going to stop sign ups and repurchases for a few days beginning in about 30 minutes, so that our merchant can get caught up. And we won’t be doing more sign ups until we have more information about payout options for us.

I hope to have some good news on that in the next few days! Thursday I’ll be meeting again with the lawyers and that will give me a better time frame for when Achieve will be completely ready to go again. I will keep letting you know how things are going as the information becomes available to me.

In the meantime, while this process is going on, there is very little that I can tell you without risking hurting the entire process. So please, keep the speculation quiet, you will hear everything, just be patient please. Although we won’t be doing sign ups, you all will still have access to the members area, your banners, the Forum, and your products. Thank you all for taking care of each other! Achieve is the best Community ever!


Some Achieve members have turned to promoting other Ponzi-board “programs” such as Unison Wealth and Trinity Lines. Promos from Achieve members also promoting Unison Wealth show that Unison Wealth is beaming ads for HYIP schemes inside the back offices of its members.

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18 Responses to “BULLETIN: Achieve Community Says It Has Suspended Sign-Ups, Repurchases”

  1. stick a fork in this one now.

  2. Johnson reportedly advised Achieve members that its “merchant” — iPayDNA — needed to “get caught up.”

    Straight from the Bryan Marsden scammers handbook.
    From memory, Marsden talked about setting up his own bank (in Vietnam?) because the existing bank could not cope with the number of transactions. Or something like that.

    I guess the classic excuses like “going private” and “bank/payment process too busy” are used because they still work.

  3. Kristi needed to get caught up in shopping with all her Ill gotten money that poor 86 year old ladies gave her while getting their identity stolen from ipaydna. And Troy is having fake honeymoons with fake woman in england. This ponzi is finished.

  4. Quick note: The Achieve order page is back up, meaning visitors no longer are seeing the “We are temporarily under maintenance” message.

    Can’t tell if this means Achieve is taking orders again.


  5. Quick note: On a Facebook site yesterday, Achievers began to complain about getting spammed for other “programs.” They seemed to suggest that fellow Achievers had used the Achieve private forum as their spamming grounds, but I couldn’t tell for sure.

    Someone complained to “Kristi,” who reportedly replied, ” . . . we will have a solution soon that will help our members out, and hopefully put an end to all this spamming.”

    I remember when it was hitting the fan at Zeek. The MLM spammers came out of the woodwork. One “opportunity” even advanced a Zeek Rescue Plan.

    Some of the TelexFree promoters — while TelexFree was fully active — even spammed obituary notices in Brazil.









  6. Information we have received is that all is not well in the private forum. A lot of bickering back and forth about people asking real questions and being slammed for doing so. And yes, there are people complaining that they are being spammed to join UnisonWealth, Xtremeprosystem, Cycles24/7, and TrinityLines, and most of it is coming from the big promoters of Achieve. That alone should be telling the Achieve members this is toast as Whip said.

    Sadly I have no doubt that Kristi will find some payment processor somewhere that doesn’t care Achieve is a Ponzi and will offer their services. The only problem Kristi has is how long can she keep creating money out of thin air once they do find this payment processor. Every day Achieves liabilities keep growing by leaps and bounds, but then what do you expect when you promised a return of 800% on your money.

    Funny how all these matrix programs have found a way to create money out of thin air. While there may be a sucker born every minute, their is a sociopath born every 15 minutes to take advantage of them.

  7. The only question left unanswered at the minute is whether or not the remaining Achieve defenders really are newbies who haven’t seen this before or whether they are regular HYIP ponzi players who have misjudged the timing of their exit strategy and are desperate to try and attract new money to cover at least some of their losses

  8. Lynndel “Lynn” Edgington:

    Sadly I have no doubt that Kristi will find some payment processor somewhere that doesn’t care Achieve is a Ponzi and will offer their services.

    I doubt it Lynn, by being rejected by a payment processor that uses Visa/Mastercard Kristi has made it to the payment card blacklist something that follows your EIN and SS number pretty much forever and in order to get around it she’ll have to post a deposit to guard against potential chargebacks, does anyone thing she’s got the money to do that? This isn’t a small amount, she’ll need something on the order of 3 months transactions, and the really funy part is she’s not looking to accept payments but make them, but she’ll still need to do it.

    Achieve Community has officially achieved room temperature.

  9. More bs from the ponzi queen and Troy

    January 8 2015

    Hello Achieve Community!

    Everything is set up for Achieve to be structured for our long term future! There is a lot of work for me to do this month, but it is all laid out and looks very good for us. As always, I’ll keep you informed as we go, for now we have our back up systems coming in place.

    We will have the temporary processors to get everyone paid until all the permanent processors are in place. I’ll know more about the particulars tomorrow.

    So will you!

    I am very happy with how things went today, we have an exciting future to look forward to now.

    Now for a bit of end of the year detail – as most of you in this industry know, 1099k forms are sent out from the payment processors that we use to pay you. For the members of this community who have already been paid in the matrix that means Payoneer of course. I know I don’t have to explain that to you, given the information you had to give them to get signed up! I just want to remind you all to look for that in the next month.

    Thank you all for being the wonderful people you are!

  10. The comment by Kristi that the payment processor is going to be issuing the 1099’s is hilarious. That is the responsibility of Work With Troy Barnes, not Payoneer.

  11. Lynndel “Lynn” Edgington:
    The comment by Kristi that the payment processor is going to be issuing the 1099’s is hilarious.That is the responsibility of Work With Troy Barnes, not Payoneer.

    It may be a way to deflect responsibility onto someone who’s no longer involved.

    In fact, I’m surprised that Kristi haven’t turned on Troy yet.

  12. K Chang: It may be a way to deflect responsibility onto someone who’s no longer involved.

    In fact, I’m surprised that Kristi haven’t turned on Troy yet.

    yeah. That has to happen eventually. Especially if she didn’t get a big enough cut.

  13. another 3 weeks just to process achieve for a temporary payout processor? let me grab some corn. this is turning into a movie. lol. what does that even mean kristi and troy? does that mean people get their cards or not ya scammers. the mindgames these two play is approaching historic levels in the ponzi world. i love how she talks about the forum problems first! haha, now THATS classic!

    kristi’s jan 9 smoke grenade

    Hello Achieve Community!

    We have tried to figure out the best ways to organize this Forum, and in order to have everything load more quickly have changed over to pages. It will be more difficult for conversations, we just don’t have a lot of options with this. You can always follow posts by clicking on the bottom for email alerts, they come with a link that will take you to the post you want to see.

    I received the preliminary approval for our temporary payout processor last night. Very exciting. They are telling me three weeks to process us, I’m pushing for quicker! This will be more expensive, and it gets you paid. They offer Visa or MasterCard and they have an unlimited option for those making more than $10,000.00! They are International and the cards can be used anyplace there are ATM’s. I’m going to recommend that only members who purchased through September sign up initially. This will be voluntary, you will have the option to wait until we have restructured and have permanent solutions. I’ll give you more detailed instructions as we go.

    Our poor support staff has the flu! I will work on getting support tickets answered this weekend, give us a bit more time now though please.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    Thank you all. Kristi

  14. I guess Troy had a plan for escape to the UK with that Caroline woman, wonder where K is planning on hiding? Talk about blind faith even after the cat’s out of the bag, the FB forum is hilarious to read. Never seen such drones.

  15. inside the naughty twisted cranium of a silicon valley ponzi queen.

    kristi’s jan 10 flash bang

    Hello Achieve Community!

    Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend.

    This is my message for you this weekend –

    I am not your enemy. The design of the Achieve program is not the problem.

    The enemy, the problem, is the financial structure of our industry, and our global economy. This has been around for decades. It says that only 3% of people can make money, 97% can not. Only a few can do well. And they can only do well by hurting everyone else. And it must be that way! Nothing else works!

    The Achieve Community came along and said – we don’t believe that! It does not have to be that way.

    Getting agreement is difficult, we are fighting all those decades of thinking in terms of scarcity and inequality. We are fighting industrialized fear of success. We are fighting institutional mind sets that haven’t changed if lifetimes!

    What people are saying against us is just their indoctrination in the system.

    The difficulties we have with financial institutions is just their indoctrination in the system.

    And we are changing minds, and creating something that will change that structure. And we have much more support today than we did when we started.

    There is no need for us to fight that mind set, no need to even respond to it. All we need to do is keep showing them a different way to see things. Over and over and over. And we are doing that.

    My wish for all of you is that you find peace in this change, that you find hope for yourselves, that you can relax into a new way of seeing the future and just enjoy the ride.

    I believe in you.

    To your success, Kristi

  16. she’s really running out of excuses fast.
    she must be talking about the ponzi industry because real business doesn’t have anywhere near this problem that she keeps alluding to.

  17. This is by far the most disturbing post yet. I am appalled at this woman’s audacityto profess that it is the “system’s” fault. Very sad for anyone who believes this post

  18. karen, quoting Kristi: The enemy, the problem, is the financial structure of our industry, and our global economy. This has been around for decades. It says that only 3% of people can make money, 97% can not. Only a few can do well. And they can only do well by hurting everyone else. And it must be that way! Nothing else works!

    I was wondering how long it would take until Achieve itself turned political . Some of the members earlier were circulating what amounted to a banking conspiracy theory. At least one Achiever used a photo on leg irons in a promo. So, like many HYIP schemes, Achieve was positioned as a sort of guarantor of freedom.

    Achieve, like Zeek (and others) before it, also has positioned itself as the remedy for traditional MLM and all the net losers/refugees it creates — the asserted 97 percent.

    karen, quoting Kristi: What people are saying against us is just their indoctrination in the system.

    This is an example of how conspiracy theories become self-healing.
