BULLETIN: Sann Rodrigues Subject Of INTERPOL Wanted Notice

Sanderley Rodrigues [de] Vasconcelos.

Sanderley Rodrigues [de] Vasconcelos. Source: INTERPOL.

BULLETIN: TelexFree and IFreeX figure Sanderley Rodrigues [de] Vasconcelos (Sann Rodrigues) is the subject of an INTERPOL notice that says he is wanted by authorities in Brazil for “Tax Evasion and not obey[ing] a Judicial Order.”

Precisely when the notice was entered was not immediately clear. The notice drops the “de” portion of his last name, listing him as “Vasconcelos” as opposed to De Vasconcelos.

Rodrigues reportedly was detained yesterday in Boston by U.S. authorities at the request of Brazil.

The INTERPOL notice remains active online at the time of this PP Blog post.

Rodrigues was arrested last month in the United States on charges of immigration fraud. The SEC charged Rodrigues civilly last year with securities fraud for his alleged role in TelexFree, which allegedly gathered a sum on the order of $1.8 billion.

He is purported to be a world traveler.

The Brazilian judicial order appears to be in the context of IFreeX, the subject of a warning by the state of Massachusetts last year.

More as the situation develops . . .


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One Response to “BULLETIN: Sann Rodrigues Subject Of INTERPOL Wanted Notice”

  1. Quick note: Through counsel, Sann Rodrigues has petitioned the U.S. court for release, arguing that the court knew about the warrant in Brazil when bond conditions were imposed.

    The argument asserts that, after the court ordered his release last week after he met the U.S. bond conditions, the U.S. Marshals Service continued to detain him on the Brazil warrant.

    Based on what I’ve been able to piece together, it looks as though Rodrigues hasn’t been out of U.S. custody since his initial arrest in New Jersey upon his return from Israel last month.

    I’m trying to get more info.

    Thanks again to the ASD Updates Blog.

