IN MEMORY: Jerry S. Parr, USSS (Ret.), 1930-2015
On Jan. 20, 1981, Ronald Reagan became President of the United States — America’s 40th. He almost died in an assassination attempt outside the Washington Hilton Hotel a little more than two months later, on March 30. It was the 69th day of his Presidency.
Today America is remembering the life of Jerry S. Parr, the U.S. Secret Service agent credited with saving the President’s life. Parr died yesterday. He was 85.
Jerry Parr became a Secret Service man because as a boy he became entranced by a movie about the Service. The star? Ronald Reagan.
— Peggy Noonan (@Peggynoonannyc) October 10, 2015
Jerry Parr who saved Reagan’s life throwing him into limo redirecting motorcade to ER has died. The best of the Secret Service true hero — Andrea Mitchell (@mitchellreports) October 10, 2015
Love is enough.
— Jerry Parr (@Jerry_Parr) July 9, 2015
Had the pleasure of running into Danny Spriggs, retired USSS agent present at the 1981 Reagan assassination attempt. — Jerry Parr (@Jerry_Parr) May 2, 2015
@BeschlossDC Thanks for the memories.Talked to @Jerry_Parr on the phone today.Now tweeting.Not bad for 2 old-timers. — Clint Hill (@ClintHill_SS) January 16, 2015
This is no exaggeration. Without @Jerry_Parr on March 30, 81, there is no #reagan legacy. — Del Quentin Wilber (@DelWilber) October 9, 2015
No matter how many times you see it, heroism of @SecretService agents in Reagan assassination attempt is amazing. @Jerry_Parr, Tim McCarthy.
— Michael Auslin (@michaelauslin) January 23, 2015