Zeek Receiver Has $104K Judgment Against TrafficMonsoon Pitchman Now Pushing TrafficPowerline

Screen shot from federal court files. Masking by PP Blog.
On Oct. 14, 2015, the federal court clerk for the Western District of North Carolina signed a judgment of $104,743.55 against Adrian John Hibbert of Sully, United Kingdom. The judgment was in favor of Zeek Rewards’ receiver Kenneth D. Bell, records show.
Bell had sued Hibbert and other U.K. residents in March 2015 for return of their alleged Ponzi scheme winnings, plus interest. The SEC shut down Zeek in August 2012, alleging a massive cross-border fraud that had gathered hundreds of millions of dollars.
Hibbert appears not to have entered a defense to Bell’s claims that he had received more than $82,000 from Zeek and that those winnings constituted Ponzi proceeds that must be returned to victims.
Instead, he pushed other cross-border, online schemes such as Traffic Monsoon, shut down by the SEC in July after allegedly gathering more than $207 million. With Traffic Monsoon facing a Sept. 23 hearing in Utah, Hibbert has turned his attention to Traffic Powerline, according to promos on YouTube.
The development shows that money tainted by fraud may be flowing between and among schemes.
Bell has raised the issue of MLMers moving from one fraud scheme to another.
BehindMLM.com has reported TrafficPowerline is related to a recently collapsed Ponzi scheme known as MoBrabus.
Pearse Donnelly of both TrafficPowerline and MoBrabus has been threatening BehindMLM.
NOTE: Thanks to the ASD Updates Blog.
Quick notes:
The records suggest the Zeek receiver also has a judgment against alleged Zeek promoter Shaun Smith for more than $262,000, plus interest.
Smith also is associated with the MyAdvertisingPays (MAPS) scheme, which class-action attorneys pursuing TelexFree clams have referenced:
BehindMLM is reporting MAPS suddenly isn’t paying:
Smith apparently now has turned on MAPS, according to LRM at RealScam.com.
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