RECEIVER: AlertPay And SolidTrustPay May Hold Additional Zeek Assets; Forensic Team Is Working ‘To Investigate And Seize These Funds’
EDITOR’S NOTE: One way to read a report filed yesterday by the court-appointed receiver in the Zeek Rewards Ponzi-scheme case is as a warning manual that brings to life the kind of vexing problems HYIP schemes create for operators, vendors and participants — including “insiders.” Kenneth D. Bell’s report to Senior U.S. District Judge Graham […]
Former Zeek Pitchman Who Also Pushed JSS/JBP Scam Reportedly Doubts He’ll Be Paid By ProfitClicking, A Follow-Up ‘Program’
Former Zeek Rewards and JSSTripler/JustBeenPaid pitchman “Alan Chapman” reportedly now claims he hasn’t been paid by “ProfitClicking” for “at least 3 months,” according to a post quoting “Chapman” on the MoneyMakerGroup Ponzi forum. ProfitClicking is the absurd follow-up “program” to the bizarre JSS/JBP scam, a 730-percent-a-year “opportunity” purportedly operated by Frederick Mann. JSS/JBP may have […]