Andy Bowdoin A No-Show In Last Night’s Conference Call For ‘OneX’; Absence Blamed On ‘Personal Problems’ Days After Prosecutors Call ‘OneX’ A ‘Fraudulent Scheme’
UPDATED 12:06 P.M. EDT (MAY 5, USA): Andy Bowdoin’s bond-review hearing has been rescheduled from May 8 to May 18. Here, below, our earlier story . . . Only days ago, federal prosecutors described the OneX “program” pitched online by accused Ponzi schemer Andy Bowdoin of AdSurfDaily as a “fraudulent scheme” and “pyramid” that “simply […]
UPDATE: JSS Tripler Promoters On Ponzi Boards Scoff At CONSOB Action, React By Making ‘I Got Paid’ Posts; Like AdSurfDaily, Purported ‘Opportunity’ Calls Payouts ‘Rebates’ And Employs Confluence Of Payment Schemes
“I dont care what the CONSOB or whatever says because I am not an Italian.” — TalkGold poster known as “WallStreetIsAPonzi,” Jan. 28, 2012 Even as CONSOB, the Italian securities regulator, is publishing an announcement on its website that promoters of a bizarre HYIP known as JSS Tripler are under investigation amid preposterous claims that […]
EDITORIAL: As Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force Website ( Spotlights AdSurfDaily Prosecution, Bizarre Email Circulating Among ASD Members Raises New Conspiracy Theories
UPDATED 10:31 A.M. EDT (U.S.A). ASD case subject of discussion in Washington’s highest power corridors: The Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force was formed by President Obama in November 2009. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, a member of the President’s cabinet and the chief law-enforcement officer of the U.S. government, presides over the Task Force. Secret […]
Accused Ponzi Scheme Felon Andy Bowdoin Launches Facebook Page, Asks Members To ‘Like’ Him And ‘Share’ Link To Defense Fundraising Site ‘Right Away’
After weeks of delays, a Facebook “Fan” page for accused Ponzi schemer Thomas Anderson “Andy” Bowdoin finally has launched. The site includes a link to “Andy’s Fundraising Army,” the web venue at which Bowdoin’s bid to raise $500,000 to pay for criminal lawyers has fallen 95 percent short of its goal. Bowdoin, 76, was arrested […]
BULLETIN: — ‘Opportunity’ Pushed By Club Asteria Members And New Darling Of The Ponzi Boards — Is Offline; Nameserver Data Show Same Info ASD Cash Generator/AdViewGlobal Sites Displayed When They Went Missing
BULLETIN: The website of will not resolve to a server, and DNS data that appears in domain-registration info strongly suggest the site was suspended for spam and abuse. The DNS data include this string on two nameservers: SUSPENDED-FOR.SPAM-AND-ABUSE.COM. In 2008 and 2009, nameserver information for the ASD Cash Generator and AdViewGlobal autosurfs included the […]
PROSECUTION BOMBSHELL(S): ASD Had ‘Special’ Class Of Members; Bowdoin’s ‘Silent Partner’ Was His 12DailyPro Sponsor; ‘North Carolina Lawyer’ (And Co-Owner) Of LaFuente Dinero Told Bowdoin U.S.-Based Attorneys Would Be His Business Partners In ‘Offshore’ Surf; Employees Caught ‘Minister’ Stealing From ASD Before He Launched Golden Panda Ad Builder
EDITOR’S NOTE: First of two parts. Part Two will be published later tonight or tomorrow. Even as AdSurfDaily President Andy Bowdoin was venturing to Washington in June 2008 to receive what his members and prospects were told was the “Medal of Distinction” from the President of the United States, he was harboring terrible secrets and […]
Now, Highly Confusing, Competing Claims About The AdSurfDaily Remissions Program Appear On; Post Fractures Facts; DON’T BE CONFUSED
First, don’t be confused. Rust Consulting Inc. is the official claims administrator under contract with the U.S. government to handle claims from victims of the alleged AdSurfDaily Ponzi scheme. ASD also is known as ASD Cash Generator. See this document at It is signed by Ronald C. Machen Jr., the U.S. Attorney for the […]
UPDATE: Robert Hodgins Still Wanted By Interpol; Co-Defendant In Narcotics Probe With Link To AdSurfDaily Case Sentenced To Prison; Colombian Drug Business Used Same Debit Card As ASD
A Colombian national implicated in an international conspiracy to launder drug money has been sentenced to 45 months in prison, federal prosecutors announced. Meanwhile, another figure in the alleged scheme — Robert Hodgins, the operator of Dallas-based Virtual Money Inc. (VM) — remains at large, prosecutors said. Hodgins is wanted by Interpol on a warrant […]
Another Fraud Case In Minnesota: Renee Marie Brown Accused By SEC Of Starting ‘Sham’ Investment Fund Known As ‘X’
UPDATED 7:52 A.M. EDT (April 13, U.S.A.) On the very day Tom Petters was sentenced in Minnesota to 50 years in prison for operating a colossal Ponzi scheme, a federal judge froze the assets of Renee Marie Brown after the SEC accused her of ripping off clients by persuading them to invest in a mysterious […]
BREAKING NEWS: ‘PaperlessAccess’ Web Files Mirror ASD
A web page in Google cache from March 12, 2009, that shows information about a new surf program known as Paperless Access is identical in places to a June 16, 2007, archived page for ASD Cash Generator. ASD President Andy Bowdoin introduced members to Paperless Access in a video two days ago, saying the company […]
Prosecutors: Bowdoin Knew ASD Was Illegal Prior To Rallies That Collected Tens Of Millions Of Dollars
Andy Bowdoin knew AdSurfDaily was illegal in 2007, months before the company conducted rallies in major U.S. cities and collected tens of millions of dollars from members, according to court documents. Instead of becoming legally compliant, Bowdoin introduced new layers of deception in 2008, prosecutors said. Included in the deception was a video made in […]