ASD Cash Generator

PP Blog Tag archives on references to "ASD Cash Generator."

Breaking News: More ASD-Connected Assets Seized; Bowdoin Blamed Company Troubles On Russian Hackers

Federal prosecutors quietly went to court last month, filing a second forfeiture complaint against assets tied to AdSurfDaily Inc. The complaint paints a jaw-dropping picture of insider dealings, special favors, a “silent” ASD partner, people getting paid large sums for doing virtually nothing — and a claim that Russian hackers broke into ASD’s servers and […]

Ad Surf Daily Surrenders; Bowdoin Removes Claim To Tens Of Millions Of Dollars As Autosurf Ponzi Members Grumble

Ad Surf Daily Surrenders; Bowdoin Removes Claim To Tens Of Millions Of Dollars As Autosurf Ponzi Members Grumble

BREAKING NEWS (UPDATED 9:03 P.M) Dogged by the government since August and a loser in early skirmishes with prosecutors, AdSurfDaily has done what it said it wouldn’t do: surrendered claims to tens of millions of dollars seized by the Secret Service in a Ponzi scheme investigation. Lawyers for ASD President Andy Bowdoin have filed a […]

Roster: Are These Autosurfs In Litigation? Troubled?

Roster: Are These Autosurfs In Litigation? Troubled?

Back in August we began to cover AdSurfDaily Inc., a Florida company accused of being an illegal enterprise. Federal prosecutors said ASD, an autosurf, was selling unregistered securities by calling itself an “advertising” company and running a $100 million Ponzi scheme. A sister site, LaFuenteDinero, was named in the same federal forfeiture complaint. So was […]

2008 Concluded With ‘Ponzi-Equals-Pain’ Message

Dear Readers, Our best to you with the dawning of the new year — and our thanks for making this Blog one of your stopping points. If you have a moment in the coming days, think about leaving a comment that answers this question: What will you remember most about 2008? One of the things […]

Madoff Case Sparks Talk Of ‘Clawbacks’

BLOG UPDATE 2:19 P.M. EST (U.S.A.): La Tribune, a French business newspaper, is reporting that a founder of Access International Advisors, a hedge fund with large sums invested with Bernard Madoff, has been found dead in his New York City office building. Rene-Thierry Magon de la Villehuchet, 65, was found this morning. The French newspaper […]

Ad View Global, New ‘Advertising’ Program, Debuts

This morning we read an early pitch for Ad View Global (AVGlobal), a new “advertising” company that is coming online in the wake of the $100 million government seizure of assets tied to AdSurfDaily Inc. AVGlobal, according to the promoter’s ad we read, is positioning itself as a guarantee against the recession and poor economy. […]

DailyProfitPond: Another Autosurf Offline

Members of an autosurf known as DailyProfitPond are reporting the website is offline and that they fear they’ve lost their money. DailyProfitPond is yet another autosurf that launched in the wake of the August seizure of tens of millions of dollars and real estate linked to Andy Bowdoin’s AdSurfDaily, also known as ASD Cash Generator. […]